
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Growth Mindset - Interview with Dr. Ginny Baro - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 108
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 108 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Growth Mindset.
So today is super special because I get the honor of introducing you to my sister goddess friend Dr. Ginny Baro. Welcome to the show!
Ginny: Hey! Good to be here!
Victoria: Yeah! It's just so juicy to get to be here with you one more time. We've had so much fun together over the years, right?
Ginny: Absolutely. The last few years for us have been filled with adventure and growth and development, and just watching each other crush it! It's been amazing.
Victoria: And I love that I get the opportunity to introduce introduce you to my tribe! So with that being said, the first question that I get to ask you is what do you do, but you could share what are the three things you are known for?
Ginny: Well, I'm known for being a Chatty Cathy, meaning I can't shut up! Give me any topic and I will talk all day long. My daddy used to say when he would take me to the doctors "please take 5. just a 5-minute break" I swear!
So a little more about me: I am a professional speaker, I am the number one best-selling author and I coach - I help to develop leaders. My motivation in life and my one purpose is to populate the world with empowered leaders, yes. And that's that's really the gist of what I do, that's my passion.
I was in the corporate world for over 25 years, almost 30, and I was a leader for over 20 years, so I know how important it is to have a culture of great leaders who support their staff and talent. People who have your back, believing you, who trust you to give you responsibility, develop you and launch you in your career.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Riches In Your Ditches - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 107
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 107 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Riches In Your Ditches.
I am sure many of you are familiar with the phrase "riches in the niches," but after a really powerful session today with my VIP group, the Visionary Shaman Circle, I wanted to share with you this concept of digging your ditches.
And how I came across it was this: I was inspired in my morning reading. Every morning I read a selection from "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn and she was recounting a Bible or Torah story, for those of you who are a Judeo Christian religion you're familiar with this book, of how Moses was leading his people through the desert and as they were wandering through the desert they had gotten super thirsty.
They're saying "Moses please, we are so thirsty, we're dying of thirst! You gotta find some water. Tell God to make it appear out of thin air." And so he talks to God and God tells him to go and dig ditches in the sand, and everyone thinks Moses is crazy. You know, that's how you're going to feel if you're a #visionary - people are going to think you're nuts when you're following your inner guidance, right?
But he kept to the vision and had them dig ditches, and when they did and they gave thanks for the ditches, suddenly water appeared. Now for me personally I am a fan of the story because I am all about the study of the engineering behind miracles.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Friday Feb 28, 2020
The Universe Is Responsive - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 106
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 106 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is The Universe Is Responsive.
The entire universe itself is responsive. Now, the reason why I am sharing this topic with you today is actually because I was recently guided by my spirit guides to re-watch a couple key films that are documentaries and discussions amongst experts that really changed my mindset in the first place about Universal Laws like the Law of Attraction.
These two films in particular really touched me and opened me up to seeing life and everything from a much more empowered mindset. And for those of you who are listening in, chances are you've seen these films before; but I have to say, there's something else that comes up when you just decide to re-watch it after some time.
What films? The film "The Secret" and the film "What the Bleep Do We Know?" - both of them are available online, in fact The Secret right now is also on Netflix as well for you to be able to view and check out. It was so good! I live.
I was literally geeking out! I'm sure you've had a similar experience where you're watching something that you know is good, and you agree with it, but when when you're watching it again after a certain amount of time you just start yelling at the TV or whatever. So this is my situation: I was literally screaming at my laptop "yes, yes this is so good, so good!!" Especially with What the Bleep Do We Know - the topics of that movie ring true today, even almost two decades after it originally was made.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 105 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Spiritual Success Archetypes.
Right now I got someone special for you! This is another one of my sister friends who I've known for years and years, and we connected through an awesome coaching program, Boldheart (thank you so much for connecting us), and her name is Lira Kay. She's amazing and she's from the schoolofinspiredlife.com - what she does as an intuitive channel and business coach is she takes high vibrational coaches to at least $1000 an hour, so that they can really start creating a legacy in their work and serving at a greater scale.
And so Lira it's so good to reconnect with you and just to share your beautiful work, but here's the thing: this may be the very first time someone is meeting you, and with that being said, could you tell us what exactly it is that you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for? Tell us.
Lira: OK so the three things I'm known for. One, I founded the School of Inspired Life, and idea behind this is it is the training center for coaches who want to be world-class and launch their own academy or coaching school.
We serve coaches who are really looking to take the work to the global level, really affect a lot of people, make an impact being in integrity. When it comes to sharing my gift I'm really big on - not unlike you - I believe when we have a gift you have to be sharing it in a big way, so that we end up further along than where we started. I also love just being able to see how it's possible for everyone to go big.
Another one of the three things I'm known for is that I am a psychic, yes, and I started using it in my business directly and it's a big reason why charge high end.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
The Power of Emptying - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 104
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 104 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is The Power of Emptying.
Right now I am feeling pretty good, as I am driving back from a lovely massage, and my massage appointment reminded me how important it is to ground, empty and clear yourself, your energy.
So if you've been having some creative blocks for manifesting, feeling blocked, stuck or maybe lately you've been a little bit exhausted or low energy, low inspiration, then this podcast episode is especially for you. Maybe the sales have come to a little bit of a stand still, engagement is a bit low in your groups. If that's the case, what's important is that you learn what is the hidden drivers behind energy flow, so that you can start yours up again.
In my VIP group The Visionary Shaman Circle, I've been talking to some of my clients on this topic within the last couple weeks about some things I have come across in my research. I've found words to describe these hidden drivers, and they come from ancient Greek and describe different archetypes for storytelling and relating the different stages of transformation people go through.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Compound Impact - Interview with Cody Loughlin - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 103
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 103 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Compound Impact.
And I am super stoked and excited to get to introduce you to my good friend Cody Loughlin - you can find him at themoneytalkers.com and he's a host of the Money Talkers podcast on iTunes. Now Cody has done so many different things in his career as an entrepreneur, you have a wide range of experience, so can you start with telling us what is your current project Money Talkers known for, in particular?
Cody: Yes and first of all, I want to say thank you for hosting and asking me to be on the podcast, and also thank you to your Listeners for listening in, because without them, it would be just us talking, which I love, but it's even better together.
Victoria: Ha, ha! Absolutely!
Cody: Yeah, so Money Talkers was an idea that kind of spanned out over a really long period of time in my life, but it started when I was 19 years old. And ot took quite a lot of years for me to be able to get to a position to help kids learn more about personal finance, entrepreneurship, mindset teaching - you know, stuff they aren't teaching us in school. That's what it's about.
And by doing that I'm actually teaching parents to be able to talk to the kids about money because there's so many people out there that I think have that taboo feeling around talking about finances, talking about money in general with her kids. And I see that they lose a part of the relationship, and so I feel like having money talks and being a Money Talker allows you to strengthen that relationship.
Strengthen the relationship with your kids, because the lessons are going to come about on money in life anyway, and so you can either arm them with the information that you have, or you can find somewhere to get the information so that you can now share with them at the same time and while learning for yourself.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 102 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Words Create Reality.
Today is a special day. I get to share my dear my awesome fabulous brilliant wise Goddess friends in business with you. Her website is masterfulmessaging.com where she helps heart-centred entrepreneurs find the right words to convey their mission and message. They can get out there a bigger way, finally, thanks to her help.
Gail and I connected through our lovely mutual friend Fabienne Fredrickson at boldheart.com years ago and I am so grateful that I get to share with you because she is just incredible incredible wise woman in business!
Gail: Thank You.
Victoria: You are always so positive and I just can’t thank you so much for being here on the podcast.
Gail: Oh, I am very excited to be able to talk with you and talk with your listeners! And its really nice to come here and to be able to cycle back through the memories from when we first encountered each other. They're just all those years ago, and we have come and grown and been able to continue the show so much since then.
Victoria: Yeah, a 100 percent! So with that in mind, this may be someone else’s first time meeting you and so could you share with us what is it you do, especially what are the 3 things that you are known for?
Gail: Sure. I certainly am known for as a word wizard. I'm known for harnessing the power of words whether that’s for business or for your personal life helping folks convey their truth with clarity.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Friday Feb 21, 2020
Postponing Self Care - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 101
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 101 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Postponing Self Care.
Right now as I am recording this podcast episode, I am driving back from the dentist. So as you're listening in to my voice right now, you may notice that I have a lisp and am having a little bit of trouble enunciating, and that's because half my mouth is numb.
But I wanted to share this moment because it's pretty telling about things that come up for us as conscious entrepreneurs, as we are on this path towards financial ascension and massive impact. I found that there is something that we keep doing: postponing our self-care, under the guise of being too busy to do all of that.
And I am embarrassed to admit guilty of this! So my story starts at the end of September - it's December during this recording - as when my tooth first chipped. But things in the business started taking off, and with so much going on I just kept putting off seeing the dentist because I told myself I was able to function, even with a chipped tooth.
Shout out to anybody right now who is out there on camera, out speaking and traveling, and doing all these things while inside of you there are some things that you need to take care of but you keep putting them on the back burner - I feel you, and I'm sending you extra love right now.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Creating Confidence - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 100
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 100 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Creating Confidence.
Right now I am driving up to Lenox, Massachusetts, up to The Rookwood Inn - and I'd like to send a special shoutout to Amy Lindner Lesser, our sister Goddess innkeeper there who is also a member of my Visionary Shaman Circle! She is hosting another one of my 2-day live meditation and mastermind retreats for conscious entrepreneurs, and I am really excited for this one, I am ready to do it. Let’s go!
I can’t wait to strategically plan the entire next year with the group of everyone that has come together, and we are going to do it by receiving visions from our spirit guides and listening to our intuition. I am overjoyed and excited to get the whole powerful space of The Rookwood Inn for the group; and if you haven’t got in to one of my retreats, then don’t worry one happens every quarter. Come on over to victoriawhitfield.com/retreats if you want to join in - pick the one that’s speaks to you and I will see you in the next one!
So, I am driving up to the next retreat and it made me think of you because I have a lot of fabulous spacious time on the road, and it got me thinking about sharing how I create confidence in myself.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
The 4 Most Attractive Topics - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 99
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 99 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is The 4 Most Attractive Topics.
So, for a quite some time I have been doing challenges on Facebook where I myself and all of the participants, now we are up to few 100 participants from around the world, go Live every day, for several weeks on Facebook.
And this process of going Live, for one, has really been powerful because it creates this sense of becoming aware of yourself, where you have to sit there in front of the camera and watch yourself talk and say all these different things - it's intense!
So, you have to see yourself talking, which is a little bit strange at first, and it’s a little bit unnerving for people who are already have a hard time listening to the recording of their voice speaking, but now they have to watch themselves speak as well.
But what happens is something really powerful: it is that you get really connected to your truth and to your own flow, because you have to sit there and watch yourself as you are speaking up about what you are processing as a conscious entrepreneur, becoming comfortable with being on camera.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!