
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 68 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is The Power of Energy.
Hey so I am continuing on my journey to connecting you with all of the entrepreneur luminaries from all over the world that I have met in my travels, and today is special because I get to introduce you to my friend Dihessa Bodjna. She’s currently in Colorado and she is going to share with us how she discovered and began to share the power of energy in her work.
Dihessa: Oh thanks, Victoria! It’s wonderful to be here! Thank you for having me.
Victoria: I love it! So, tell us what do you do and what are the three things that you're known for in your business. Could you tell us, please?
Dihessa: That question is always a bit tricky, when someone asks me what do you do, because what I do is a bit complicated. Well it’s not that complicated, because foundation of it all is: it's all about energy. So what I do is - well, I have my first thought that it was all about healing naturally, and I then I thought it was necessary for others to also experience the power of energy.
Really in in the last couple of years I have gotten to help so far many, many people in the power of energy, and in manifestation. For example, even in business, manifestation is crucial, as it is in a lot of the things. What has happened for others has been just a lot of personal, emotional healing, even physical healing.
For example the other day I was working with a few people with pain, and one of them, all her entire life she's had to take pain killers on her period. But after working with her about one month for the first time in her whole entire life, since when she was a teenager and she is now 36 or 37 years old, for her first time she didn't have to take the painkillers. And it was because we were balancing the energy in her body.
In illness everything is related to energy. At the same time in manifesting, or how we are holding ourselves in relationship to receiving, it's also related to energy. When we have any sort of physical condition in our body, all emotions, all medical conditions in our body, whether it is related to emotional whatnot in our lives and stuff like that, it's also related to how our emotional brain processes information that comes to it so basically.
So if I were to say three things that I am known for, it would all fall under the umbrella of energy, but for physical healing, emotional healing or manifestation.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Banana Hack for Increased Sales - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 67
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 67 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is the Banana Hack for Increased Sales.
I was just on the phone advising one of my private clients and having the best time, and it jarred my memory. She's kind of stalled out and having trouble getting out there in a bigger way - she needs to market locally - and so we're looking at what were her energy blocks around it. And we found ourselves talking about the bananas hack for business, and the story behind it; let me tell you.
Years ago I had an allergic reaction to the meat that I was eating during the holiday season. Around here in my family what we do is we eat a ton of food for the holidays - the men in my family love cooking, and how they show that they care is they make a ton of food. But unfortunately I overdid it and I had a massive allergic reaction; I was just like “oh my gosh I don't know what to eat!” And I am so bloated, and I'm having so much tummy trouble, and so I was pouring through Google and YouTube desperately trying to figure out what I should do.
And then I came upon this thing called a fruititarian cleanse and diet, and came upon this concept of how bananas can really help to clear you out, reset your body, give you the energy that you need, but also are fast digesting - I’m learning all these benefits of eating bananas.
Now, at the time this really resonated with me for some reason - now I want you to know this is not a diet that I'm recommending, it is definitely a crash diet but what I needed was just a detox to get all of the bad stuff out of me asap and at the time this was what was resonating with me, this thing called “30 bananas a day.”
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Work Soft and Run It Like A Ninja - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 66
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 66 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Work Soft and Run It Like A Ninja.
Ok, so I have been thinking of about my exercise routine recently, and it got me also thinking about you. Let me tell you a story. My main routine recently is getting up and walking first thing in the morning, just breathing in the fresh morning air to get my body moving, my blood pumping. My head and my body clears and it feels so good. So good to get outside first thing and just to connect.
But I think back years ago and there used to be a time when I couldn't run. I couldn't run! I have this interesting condition in my body called fitness-induced urticaria, which means when I would start running, like, my body would break out in these horrible internal hives, that would really create a painful burning feeling all over. Especially around the joints, the sensation it would really discourage me from wanting to do impact-based exercise.
It sucked because I really love running, like, it's a lot of fun! And now I don't get to do what I love; to go out running outside or running on the treadmill or whatever, because of that painful, painful feeling was really discouraging for me to feel, so I just I couldn't run. I would avoid it at all times.
And at the time I was seeing a PT and he said “we're gonna do a running assessment on you” and I instantly thought how I do not want to do it, because I was expecting so much pain. The day comes, and I strap on my shoes, get on the treadmill there in the running store - by the way so it's all open where everyone can see - and so he turns the treadmill on and turns it up and up and up, and then he turns it down and says I'm running wrong. What?
The phrase he said to me completely changed my relationship with running - I was able to start running afterward because of this one thing that he said. And also years and years later I will I've applied this phrase and this mindset to how I approach and how I think about my business, and this is what he said to me: “you're running wrong because your heels are pounding the pavement, I want you instead to run like a ninja.”
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Not Another Coaching Program - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 65
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 65 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Not Another Coaching Program.
NOOO, No - not another group coaching program! Oh my goodness, so I just had the most amazing conversation with a newly enrolled VIP client of mine, and as she was signing up for my VIP circle, which is a year-long program - and that's a five figure investment y'all, that's not chump change - she had a million billion objections and questions. And it was so interesting to sit on the phone with her as she was having these conversations, essentially with herself.
When I asked her “do you believe I can help you” she said “yes,” and when I asked her “do you want to sign up for the program” she would say “yes,” and then she went into all the reasons why she thinks she can't. And I know what this is like, so it's an honor to get to hold space for her opening up and allowing the “I can’t” and the “I can” to come out, organically with me because she feels safe.
And then she said to me “I will go into the program, but I have on the table right now seven other coaches who I could join their program, too, so what makes your program different?” Mind you, this is not the first time that she's heard about me, seen me, gone through any of my work - like, she knows she knows how good I am. She has given me recommendations on LinkedIn and Facebook, so this is not her first rodeo with me.
I wasn’t shaken by this question because, you know what, when we're making a big transition to up-level our lives, and especially believing enough in ourselves to invest at a higher level, then we need to give space to all the fears and all the crazy crusty crabs and imaginations that come up to contest this, so that we feel stronger, stay longer and more stable at the new level that we’re up-leveling to.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
The Biggest Secret to Running a Profitable Podcast - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 64
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 64 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So, the title of this podcast episode is The Biggest Secret to Running A Profitable Podcast.
And, oh my goodness, I have someone so special here to share his wisdom with you, my friend Jamie Atkinson! He runs a podcast community on Facebook, you can go and check him out, it’s called “Podcasting 101,” and for his podcast they are on a mission to hit one million dollars by January. (And by the way, right now it’s September and he is rocking it out already!)
We were just talking about how he is about to launch something totally new and I am so excited for him. He helps entrepreneurs create profitable podcasts in 60 days or less and he is known for launching several Top 200 podcasts.
So, Jamie, I just want to say thank you so much for being present today and agreeing to be on the podcast. It’s so good to have you.
Jamie: Hey Victoria, I am super happy to be on. You know, it’s kind of funny. We were talking before and it didn’t seem like that long ago that you were coming on my show (search: “Entrepreneur Junkie Movement” on iTunes) which was right when we were getting started with our podcast and it’s been a crazy journey the last 5 months. We’ve been doing some fun stuff, but yeah, I’m really excited to be here, and you know, I just want to tell your community today that I am here to helping out and try to see if I can bring some serious value!
Victoria: Oh yeah, totally! And I have to say, ever since I have been on your podcast, it’s been fun having other people coming to me left and right and saying, “I loved your episode of Jamie’s Entrepreneur podcast.” So fun and such good feedback - it was so unexpected! We had a ton of fun and it was all because of you let me rock out. So, thank you!
Ready for the biggest secret to running a profitable podcast?
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Anti-Hustle Lifestyle - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 63
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 63 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is the Anti-Hustle Lifestyle.
The more that you can take on an anti-hustle lifestyle and anti-hustle mindset, the better. And this is totally going to turn certain people off, I know. As entrepreneurs were encouraged to be hustling or grinding or “everyday I’m hustlin’” or subscribe to all of those mantras that are popularized by mainstream media to encourage us to basically work our brains out, and just not stop working.
We are brainwashed to derive significance and an identity from how hard you can grind, how hard you can work and how hard you can just pump out more and more things to do and get done.
I am anti that.
So, I am sticking my stake in the ground, I am going to let you know loud and clear that is absolutely not what I identify with personally, or as a brand.
When I have entrepreneurs that come and work with me on their Abundance Mindset, or to keep their energy grounded or to clear their mind, body and business, that’s actually one of the things that we try to get my students away from first: this whole hustle-and-grind sort of identity.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Monday Sep 16, 2019
Automation Delegation - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 62
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 62 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The tile of this podcast episode is Automation Delegation.
So, I was speaking to a group of women business owners locally this morning and it was really interesting to hear their lifestyle experience being a solo entrepreneur. And one of those sister business owners, she is a coach for other entrepreneurs, and she made this really fabulous point about watching what’s your preposition: ON or IN. Are you working “On” or are you working “In” your business?
And there’s Pareto’sRule of the 80-20 split, where 80% of your results come from 20% of your actions. The 20% of your actions are the most impactful, so you want to find that 20% that are creating the 80% of, say, your profits, for example. In your business you can do more of the same thing that works.
And as she was communicating that, it occurred to me that she is a solo entrepreneur. The other woman that she was saying that to was also a solo entrepreneur and she was communicating how she is really working; she is consumed with working “In” her business. Her challenge is, she has a lot of clients and not exactly the clients that she wants to serve, and on top of that she is still figuring out what her niche is, like we discussed in the last episode.
So it got me thinking about what she should do about this.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Friday Sep 13, 2019
You Micro-Niche - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 61
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 61 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Your Micro-Niche.
So, I just got back from facilitating a local women’s empowerment networking meeting and the topic of our presenter was Micro-Nichesand how she was able to grow her business from $0 to $100K by getting super-duper specific around what her micro-niche is, and she was sharing about learning more about this and what the exact process is.
By the way, special shout out to Evelyn Cucchiara, the Toy Tamer from thetoytamer.com. That’s who was speaking, and it is an honor to get to be with you, Goddess. Thank you so much for your inspiration.
I just wanted to make sure that I share here on the podcast some of my favorite takeaways from the meeting because we were going back and forth. And the way that I facilitate our chapter meetings, is making sure that every single person who shows up, that their voice is heard. So, it’s my favorite way to get to give back to the community, leading a local meeting and also making sure that every single person’s voice is heard.
It’s a women’s empowerment networking group but for some reason my chapter keeps attracting men here and there and I’m not going to turn that away because guys are awesome too and guys need empowerment too.
So, sending you so much love if you are just tuning in for the first time, go ahead and subscribe to the Journeypreneur podcasts on iTunes so that you can get these new episodes first. But let’s get back to the magic of the Micro-Niche, and how you can find yours.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Interviewing Andrew Mellen - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 60
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Victoria:Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 60 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
Today’s episode, I’m going to bring back a dear friend of mine, Andrew Mellen so that you get to know him better. He and I both were members of a business group coaching program and we noticed that now that we are no longer at the program, we have so many people that we know and love, and we miss them and would love to maintain a relationship with them.
So today, he is going to be on with me so we can get to know him better here, and I am going to be bringing other friends of ours on to the podcast in the coming weeks so that you can get to know them along with me. So, strap in, here we go!
Andrew, welcome back to the Journeypreneur Podcast.
Andrew: Thank you, it’s great to be here with everybody. Hi!
Victoria: Yeah! So, let’s get into it. Maybe this is the first time someone is meeting you. What helps, I found, is to be able to share what are the 3 things, maximum 3 things, you’re known for in your business and in your career. So, tell us.
Andrew: Ok, well for one, I am known as the most organized man in America. So, that was not a title that I gave myself. That’s something that the media called me. And so, I am happy to use it. So that’s one thing. Time management, productivity, efficiency, sustainability those are the things that I focus on in my work with both individuals as well as B2B companies like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New York Mets or American Express. And there’s a certain mindset that I’ve picked up along the way to keep growing my business these last 20+ years.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Better Than Passive Income - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 59
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 59 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holisticstress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Better Than Passive Income.
So, I was just getting back now from travelling for a software conference. I travel quite a bit to go networking as well as for learning more about how to better serve you, how to serve more people in my purpose as the world’s first Business Reiki Master.
One of the ways that I do that is by improving my software skills because I have an online business. And at this software conference there was a really awesome speaker named Caleb Maddix and he was sharing his story about how he got involved in online coaching in the first place, how he shifted to really being passionate about personal development for young people - as in personal development, confidence, personal growth, money mindset, business mindset, communication skills etc. for children and people who are younger than 18 years old.
It was riveting to watch Caleb on stage - who is now a teenage multimillionaire - rock the room with his years of speaking and internet marketing experience. He started as a child with a message for other kids on YouTube, and has now become quite an incredible global brand.
During his talk though, the one nugget of wisdom that she shared that hit me the hardest was how he stumbled upon something even better than passive income, as a growing, conscious entrepreneur.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and book your Breakthrough Call with me!