
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Victoria: Hello everyone it's Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 188 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation from the best to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I get to introduce you to an amazing new friend of mine that I met through the podcasting world. His name is Chip Baker. You can find him on social media at Chip Baker TSC, welcome to the podcast, Brother, how are you feeling?
Chip: Great. Thanks so much for having me. I've been looking forward to being with you. And I'm ready to get it.
Victoria: I love it. I love it. So everyone, I got to be on chips, podcasts as well sharing my story as a success story of business. And so it's wonderful to get to have him over here and really share his hat. What's been going on in his world? So with that being said, Chip, this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you here you know about you. So with that being said, Could you like, share what it is that you do? But especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Chip: Ooh, so myself, Chip Baker, before generation, educator, teacher, former coach, have been blessed and fortunate to be raised by some great people, as well as be around some awesome folks to learn from in my career, and so been truly blessed. About five years ago, I started the YouTube channel and podcast, Chip Baker- The Success Chronicles. And it's been a really neat journey, really grown, truly far surpassed anything I ever thought it would be, and so on. It's been a true blessing. grateful for that. And so I'm looking at the three things that I think that I'm known for, one would be inspiration, I strive to inspire. I know that I feel that I'm blessed to be a blessing. And so I try to operate in that manner and the day to day basis. The second thing is motivation. Just like the quote says, you know, you people want motivation. You gotta have it every day, just like bailing Zig Ziglar. Right. So I think it's important to have motivation. And then the third thing is just positivity. And, you know, I like to tell people that my blood type is positive. Right? I try to stay away, I try to stay away from the people with the blood type O negative. So those are the three things that I hope that I am known for: inspiration, motivation and positivity.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Case Study - Andrea Mastrobattista - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 187
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Victoria: Hello everyone it's Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 187 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation from the best to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I'm really excited to get to bring back Andrea Mastrobattista. You can find her at OperationInspiration.world - that is her website and she is a wonderful, powerful inspirational speaker, as well as an internet entrepreneur.
And we're bringing her back for a special episode of the Journeypreneur Podcast because if you'll remember from a couple of our earlier podcast episodes, she was open enough to come on air and receive some really deep mindset - I guess we'll call it "coaching" - from yours truly, even though I'm a healer.
Andrea: Ha! You're "not" a coach!
Victoria: Right? Well, I like to think of it more as energy clearing but our community loves to call me a coach so I'm not gonna dodge that anymore. I'll use your language.
So she came on for some abundance mindset energy clearing so that she can make a shift but I really wanted to bring her back on not only as like an update of what's happened since but also more to give you like a bigger view of what it's been happening for Andrea in working with me. And we're going to go "B.C." and Anno Domini: B.V. and A.V. for "Before Victoria" and "After Victoria", we'd love to get to share your experience.
Andrea, goddess, for those of our listeners who have been following along our journeys for quite some time right and following along with the podcast - this is the 187th episode - and you're like "hmm, I wonder what what happens to people? What happens when I work with Victoria?" This time can we give like a an idea of what happens? And you have one hell of a story, goddess, of what we've manifested in your body and your business. In so many different ways.
Andrea: Oh, absolutley! Let's do it.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 186 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic Stress management techniques guidance, inspiration and motivation from the best to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I am so happy and grateful that I get to introduce you to a longtime friend of mine. The amazingly talented and brilliant Maribeth Decker. You can find her at SacredGrove.com where she is a brilliant and loving, compassionate animal communicator and intuitive healer. Welcome to the podcast, Maribeth!
Maribeth: Thank you. Thank you. It's so good to be here. Thanks.
Victoria: Thank you so much for agreeing to be on the podcast. So this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you hear you or learn more about you. And with that being said, in your own words, could you share with us exactly what it is you do? What especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Maribeth: I could. So I'm known for is i am really helpful during animal transitions. And for me that is the before, the during and the after. And in fact I am rewriting a book I published, a bestseller, five years ago that you wrote the foreword to Victoria, and adding a lot more information for people so that you can you can find peace. The book is called "Peace In Passing" so, finding peace in what is sometimes one of the hardest things we go through.
So that's what I'm known for as transitions. And also I'm family-oriented in the way that I see the animals that we have a connection with as being part of our family. So, mostly I work with folks who have animals in the house, but we've also done horses and rescues, potential adoptees, animals that are going home from their foster home to their their forever home, things like that. And so that's number two.
And the last thing I'm known for is humor. Because if you don't have a sense of humor in life, you really don't have anything.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Clarity Is Queen - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 185
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 185 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Clarity Is Queen.
So in this podcast episode, I'll be sharing another excerpt from my 45 live series. And this is so near and dear to my heart because I'm going to share with you an experience I had with my own Dad. And I call this excerpt, "clarity is queen."
And when I say clarity is queen, I don't want to say that we're not talking about the guys here. This is not just for the ladies. Right. So clarity is queen, right? If you're listening from your feminine or if you're listening from your masculine, you can also say "Clarity is King." I'm speaking from my feminine self right now, so I'm naming it Clarity Is Queen. But listen up. I'm excited for you to hear this story.
Hey everyone, Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business. Today is day 11 of forty five lives. You can find me at naturalintuition.com. I am just now getting back into bed for the night after a lovely birthday dinner with my amazing father, the Reverend Dr. Lon Calvin Whitfield. And it was wonderful getting to sit down and really, just one thing I love about my dad is he is a wonderful deep thinker.
What I love about my dad is he's an incredible deep thinker and he is a masculine, mature, masculine man. I'll make this a brief live, not only because it's a non-work day, but also because I want to go to bed. It's almost midnight right now and tomorrow's a workday. So I wanted to share with you my greatest gift from today, in particular as I am learning and receiving more of myself.
So my greatest takeaway is that clarity is queen, or we could say clarity is king because that has a ring to it. However, I am female, I was female and I also am feminine-identifying personally, although I am a queer individual. And so with that. A lot about today focused around clarity and being able to communicate well.
My day started off with moderating a room for my dear friend Andrew Mellen and having clarity around this is how we're going to run the room, and this is how you communicate. And this is the time that we started and this is the time that we're ending, and we kept resetting the room and getting to communicate clearly. That caused the room to end on time and with excellent energy. And everyone felt great and everyone got served beautifully because we had that clarity. And it came from coming from a mature, respectful of self, and all, standpoint, and I like to think of that as being, as holding your regal stance or being in your queen or being in your king, depending on how you self identify in terms of gender.
So with that in mind I continued into later this day with the first person who taught me how to be in Queen, and that was actually my father, because he is such a wonderful stately person to be around. He's what most people would call "old fashioned." So he's the type where if a lady is walking up, you hold the door for her, or you walk as a man towards the side of the street and you always make sure the woman is on the inside so that she's protected. You always pulled the chair out for her kind of a thing. He always sits facing the door in any room to make sure that he can watch and protect and see what's going on.
He's that kind of guy. And I loved being with my dad today because being in his presence reminds me of my worthiness and my role in being queen. He's taught me from a very young age to how to be, how to wait when you get to the dining table for the king to pull your chair out because you're queen. I love it.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Quest For The Golden Shoes - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 184
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 184 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is Quest For The Golden Shoes.
In this podcast episode, I am sharing another excerpt from my 45 live series off of Facebook. And this is a little bit different. I'm bringing you into a really deep healing experience I had that was actually a bit of an adventure and I call it the "quest for the golden shoes." Here we go.
Hello everyone, Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner business, you could find me at naturalintuition.com, where I help conscious entrepreneurs create a stress free business. So this is day 10 of forty five lives - shout out to Wanda Toro Turini who challenged me to go live for 45 days straight and to share my journey to share teachings and to just put more love out there as I'm transitioning to greater visibility this year.
And this is a non-work day, but what I wanted to share some insights that I got now that I'm back home while I'm grounding in my floor bed shikibuton imported from Japan. Super grateful for it.
But yeah, I was just on the phone, the Facebook audio phone, talking to my Reiki brother Rasheed about how I can't sleep well on normal beds. We were both comparing notes about how and by the way, I hope you don't mind me taking off my makeup on camera. Go-go gadget eye makeup removal realness, with just a little bit a liner and - what is it called - mascara, today to top it off. Doesn't that look interesting? One eye gone. One different eye? A real eye and false advertising? Haha.
Yeah, but we were just talking about how we can't sleep on normal beds. I need one hundred percent cotton and natural, nature-made materials, not manmade materials. Otherwise I wake up super congested, achy, bloated. And this is Rasheed and I - shout out to you my Reiki brother Rasheed Thompson. Amazing, powerful, energetic practitioner, incredible, incredible energy. You want to get a Reiki session, see Rasheed. Holy cow. Right. You will literally feel like you've been hit by a bolt of lightning.
But anyway, we were talking about what it means to be an empath and being energetically sensitive. And if so, if you're like us, you can't just eat any kind of food. You can't just hang out with any kind of person. You can't just sleep on any kind of bed or wear any kind of clothes or drink any kind of water. The more empathically sensitive you are, the more you got to be more mindful or I put it on me, the more I've become increasingly energetically sensitive as I've worked on grounding and clearing, in detoxifying my energy.
The more I've become aware that I have to take care and give myself special supplementation, like the fact that my bed is one hundred percent cotton, even down to the mattress and the mattress is only three inches thick. Right. And I sleep on the floor. All of that is to support my unique energy because I'm I'm an energy worker that and I'm an empath.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 183 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I just I'm trying to contain my excitement because who I get to interview and share with you is a journey partner of mine who's been journeying with me since day one of my retreats.
This woman is an incredibly juicy goddess who is a fabulous cooking blogger. She is so fanciful and wonderful and creative and brilliant. Her name is Isabel Veguilla and you can find her at CoquiCookingAcademy.com - showing her Boricua pride! Goddess, welcome to the podcast.
Isabel: Thank you so much, Victoria.
Victoria: This has been a long time coming. I'm so happy to get to have you on the podcast because I know over the years you've shared about your experiences with cultivating your business and coming to the retreats and healing your body and all of the fun discoveries that we've had along the way, like, over the last four years. Four years?
Isabel: Four years.
Victoria: So for four years we've been journeying together, and what does that mean? That means we have been seeing each other on a weekly basis for four years and going on not one, but five live retreats for all four years. So at 20 retreats, you know a thing or two about working with me.
Isabel: Oh yes. I have all the notes and folders of all the information that I just keep going back to over and over again.
Victoria: Amazing. You know, I don't even know where to start. So I'm just going to ask you questions because, you know, we talk about everything. We'll see how it goes. I mean, I may even need to have you back on the podcast for a second course.
But what you said you do in your own words, Goddess, could you tell us? I mean, I know you're incredible. I've had the inside front row seat view on how awesome you are. At the same time, this may be the very first time that someone's seeing you or hearing about what you do in the world. Is there any way that you could tell us in your own words what it is you do?
And you can also include, if you like, you can talk about the business, but you can also talk about the fact that you don't just have a business right here. You're also employed. It's entirely up to you. What could you tell us what it is you do? And especially what are the three things that you are known for?
Isabel: Well, I'll start with the three things since we already know that I'm known for being a huge Disney animation fan. So Disney in particular, all things Disney, the parks, the movies, the merchandise, the experiences, everything about Disney food, I can go on and on. And I just love Disney.
So I'm also known as a world traveler. I love going to new places and discovering the culture and especially the food. And that leads me to the third thing I'm known for is being a chef and a foodie in general. And then the only other thing I want to mention is that by day I'm a project manager and in I.T. and all other times I'm an artist, a writer, an adventurer. Pretty much, yes.
Victoria: A real world traveler is a food world traveler. There's a special kind of awesome getting to travel, tasting the world and going to theme parks. Like, I think about your photo shoot in Japan. Absolutely.
Isabel: Yes.
Victoria: Incredible. Incredible. And I'm curious. So you live a really juicya life, but like, this is something well, did this kind of happen like by chance? I'm curious. Like, what was the moment where you decided to start living more of that laptop lifestyle, of creating creative projects in the business, like what happened that inspired you to to get going on this path? Is there a story there?
Isabel: Oh, yes. And since the everything from writing and animation, it's called the "Inciting Incident."
Victoria: Ooo that sounds exciting! I've never heard of that term before.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Case Study of Rob Wozniak - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 182
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 182 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode I get to share with you a case study. And so you may have been listening in to the Journeypreneur Podcast for quite some time and hearing me interviewing friends of mine as well as sharing my own journey.
But I love, love, love that I get to work with entrepreneurs, conscious entrepreneurs like you who are interested in improving their performance by improving their energy levels, making sure that their energy levels are balanced.
With that being said, today's case study is actually from a livestream that I recently recorded with Rob. Rob is an incredible visionary realtor, and I'm so happy to get to share his story. He's open hearted, super vulnerable and a man's man - he is such a dude.
And so I'm excited to get to share with you his story and to get you thinking whether you're male, female or trans, if you want more energy support, reach out to me at VictoriaWhitfield.com/Welcome and that would be the perfect place for you to come and connect. With that here is Rob's case study.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Growing Your Team - Interview with Jamie Van Cuyk - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 181
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it's Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 181 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation from The Best to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I have my sister friend Jamie Van Cuyk from growingyourteam.com! She is a team and hiring goddess, and I'm so honored and happy to get to welcome you to the podcast and share your story. Welcome. Hi, Jamie!
Jamie: Hello, thank you so much for having me.
Victoria: My pleasure truly. Oh my goodness. And I feel like talking to you about this topic and about what you do couldn't have come at a better time. So with with that being said, though, we're familiar with each other's work, but this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you here. So if you could, in your own words, please describe what it is you do, and especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Jamie: Yeah, of course. So as Victoria said, I am the owner and lead strategist at Growing Your Team. At Grow Your Team, small business owners hire us to guide them through the process of learning how to hire the right team members for their business. This is employees and contractors.
The businesses we typically work with ranged from the solopreneur who's looking to form that first long term relationship with a team member or hire their first employee all the way up to businesses that average about 10 employees. And at that stage they understand the hiring process, but they're looking for ways to do it better. They want to get out of what seems like that hiring and firing cycle. They want to make sure they're getting the right people as they're adding new positions and scaling their businesses.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Space To Receive - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 180
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 180 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is Space To Receive.
As a side note, before we get to the 45 live excerpt I'm going to be sharing with you right from my Facebook Live series, I just want to say Episode 180 is momentous for me personally, because before I even started this podcast, I dreamed of being able to say one day that I'm "welcoming you back to Episode 180 of The Journeypreneur Podcast" and holy moly! Woo, we made it so celebrating that.
And without further ado, I want to introduce you to today's excerpt from the 45 live series. The topic is Space to Receive. This is something that was healing me so powerfully and I'm so grateful to get to share it with you. Let's get to it, shall we?
Hello my Facebook friends, it's Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, you can buy me a naturalintuition.com and this is day. Let's see here. Three, five, eight, day eight. Look, I've been surrounded by 8's all day, holy cow, so this is day eight of the forty five lives, and I'm so excited to get to share that with you.
The video filters I've been using on these forty five lives doing something weird. It was trying to give me like green eyes or whatever. I don't have green eyes, I have gorgeous brown eyes, I'm brown eyed girl. And so today you can see me. No filter, no makeup, all gorgeous. And I am coming to you from a different location where I'm at The Hilton Garden Inn.
At The Hilton Garden Inn I cover the TV, by the way, I don't like TV energy in bedrooms, so I cover that. And I'm here for my birthday. For those of you who have been asking, like, what do you do for your birthday? I am taking two days at the 24/7 spa that we have here called King Spa in New Jersey. I am staying overnight here at The Hilton Garden Inn and so yay, happy birthday to me! And in if you are watching this live put hashtag live so that I know who's journeying with me. And if you are watching this on the hashtag replay, put hashtag replay. So I know to love you as well and share that all this good energy.
So for today's forty five live, and every day of these forty five lives - shout out to Wanda Turini for challenging me to do these - I share my greatest gifts. Today in particular I would have to say is gratitude and abundance on my birthday, like this being my birthday at the current filming of this video. This is my thirty fifth birthday. Thirty five in numerology is the number 8, and talk of the number eight has been coming up today in particular. And so I'm, I am receiving that as a really profound and powerful gift.
By the way, what I am wearing is like a 360-degree skirt, floor length, that I'm wearing underneath the caftan because I dress like this. Normally you would think, oh, this woman is dressed up as if it were her birthday. Actually, no. My tribe will tell you I like dress like year round. It's just one of those, like one or two days out of the year that it looks normal or special or something like that. It's my birthday, and on Halloween, where I look normal.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Experts Go With The Flow - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 179
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 179 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is Experts Go With The Flow.
In this podcast episode, I'm taking another excerpt from my 45 live series off of Facebook, and we're going to be talking about how experts go with the flow. This is what I saw recently coming up for me, and I wanted to share it with you. Let's get to it, shall we?
Hello, all my Facebook fans! Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, and this is day seven of forty five lives. Shout out to Wanda Toro Turini - super grateful for you being awesome and just challenging me to go for it. This is your fault, Goddess!
So I am here online and sharing all of my greatest takeaways over the last forty five days at the end of the workday, and non-work days. And today's workday. So my greatest gift from today in particular is a little bit of a combo. And I'm going to have to make it fast because I've got a meeting coming up at 5:00. So it's like twelve minutes. So this is going to be a Herculean effort, you know, that I tend to want to really sink into thinking with you together.
By the way, if you are watching live, put hashtag live. If you're watching live, as in while this is streaming, so I know who's joining with me and go ahead and put hashtag replay so I get to love you up and thank you for being on the journey with me.
So today in particular, I really want to talk about some like three greatest gifts in particular that really spoke to me. And it is this: visioning OKRs, there's seven streams, and experts go with the flow.
So visioning OKRs. Something that I just learned today thanks to my amazing, awesome operations manager. Oh Alina. Thank you. You are a frickin goddess; and OKRs, this has to do with objectives and key results. So this has to do with goal setting and goal planning. And Google has like this whole OKR like flow chart and spreadsheet stuff. She introduced that to me and Jennifer and we were like, oh wow, amazing.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.