Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 158 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I get to introduce you to my current coach. Holy moly, it's Jared McDonald!
You can find him at JaredMcDonaldReboot.com. Jared, welcome to the podcast.
Jared: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so glad to be here.
Victoria: It's so good to have you! So I know your work is amazing and I'm so grateful for it, and this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you, hear about you and what you do in the world. But could you please, in your own words, share what it is exactly that you do? What are the three things that you're known for? Tell us.
Jared: Yeah, so I guess in the same same breath, what we're known for and what we do is we help people reboot their metabolism so they can lose all the weight that they want. They can optimize their health, get there. And we work primarily with entrepreneurs and business owners so they can get their mental clarity, their energy. They can really get their their health and their business to match. Right. Which so many entrepreneurs don't have that. And then they can do it long term.
So it's not about just losing weight and getting healthy like a short term thing. It's about doing it long term and really sustainably for people to become the best version of themselves years down the road.
So that's really what we do.
Victoria: I love it, I love it, it's so good. And so, that makes me curious, though, Jared, like, what inspired you to start doing this in particular? No one in kindergarten is like "I want to be like a metabolism reboot specialist" like or maybe your kids are now, but LOL.
But could you tell us, like, what what happened that inspired you to really start your business and share your gifts in this way, doing permanent weight loss for entrepreneurs? Like what happened that inspired you in the first place to start doing this?
Jared: Yeah, I mean, my own story happened, of course, that's always, always the case with health, I feel. My wife ended up actually getting sick and just after we got married and I ended up losing a bunch of weight because we were trying to help her and then just kind of started coaching with a nutritionalist.
I was actually a business coach. I was a business coach for like doctors and practitioners and that kind of thing, and had just a nutrition gig on the side and decided a few years ago to go full time because I had gained freedom over my health and learned how to, like, eat treats and keep weight off and not gain it back.
And so I said, hey, I want to empower someone to give them that freedom too, specifically business owners, because they're busy, they're stressed. They don't have a lot of time to spend in the gym or whatever, and they don't have time to not see results. And so I said we've got something that can help them.
And so we decided to go full time with the health and weight loss.
Victoria: So good. This is so good. So could you tell me bit, like, a little bit more, like when when your wife got sick, like, how did you really start to see things coming for you that inspired you? Like, I'm curious, like a little bit more of your origin story. You could take your time, like, break it down.
Jared: Yeah. Yeah. So I'm Type 1 diabetic and have been since I was four. My dad's a doctor, just family practice medical director at a hospital. So I've always been in that world and been health conscious. But I was a terrible eater. My friends called me the Snack King. If anybody was hearing this or watching this, you know, knows me. I was the kid who is like, and the guy in college who was like, eating two or three candy bars in one sitting.
So I was an addict. I went to - I ended up going to 12-step programs and all sorts of stuff. Right? So when I, we got married and I was always active playing sports, but I was overweight. I was fifty pounds overweight. I was, this was like "maybe I'm broader shouldered. I got big bones" or whatever. But I just really, I was overweight.
So my wife got sick and we went on a health tour and we started working with a doctor who started like, we worked - we lived in Utah at the time. We worked with doctors in California, remotely like Massachusetts, like all sorts of places to try to help her.
Let's talk about it!
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Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 157 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So today I have the honor and pleasure of sharing a wonderful goddess friend of mine who I've met locally here in New Jersey and through all of our networking magic that we do with women entrepreneurs.
And her name is Chitra. You can find her on Instagram at @Fit_Warrior_Chitra. And I want you to connect with her because she has an amazing story and I'm so happy to get to share it with you. Welcome to the podcast goddess.
Chitra: Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.
Victoria: Oh my gosh. So we love each other. We know each other are awesome, awesome goddesses. But this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you, to encounter what you do.
So if you could please describe to us what exactly in your own words do you do and what are the three things that you're known for especially, can you tell us?
Chitra: Ok, thank you so much for having me. It's such an honor to be here. I love you. I love your energy and everything about you. So it's it's a pleasure to be here.
I am a weight loss and body transformation coach. And I have a Fit Warrior Method that I use to work with my clients. And it is basically a combination of fitness, nutrition and mindset. I help you learn how to move your body right. Move it efficiently so that you are not only losing weight, but you are toning and tightening as you do that, and as well as with the nutrition.
It's the same thing; we try to work on your nutrition to make it effective or fat loss. And of course, my Warrior Mindset - without the mindset, we can't get anywhere. So, you know, I teach everybody how to build that warrior mindset so that they can stay on their fitness journey and crush all their goals.
Victoria: So fabulous. I love it, I love it. I, look, you know, I know so many women who've been in your program and they all, once they get to talking about you, they're like Rocky! They start their fighter energy up! It so fun and so inspiring to see the impact that you leave in the world around you.
Chitra: I love what I do. And it's - we all have that inner warrior inside of us that needs to be brought out. Men, too.
Victoria: So that actually makes me curious, like what happened to inspire you to start your your program? You're in this warrior work that you do with people around weight loss. Like, was there some point that you had an epiphany of like, "aha, I have got to start the fit warrior life"? Could you tell us what happened?
Chitra: Yeah, that's a great question. And you know, you already know this, but your viewers may not. But, six years ago I lost 80 pounds and it was an incredible transformation, not just for my body, but my entire mindset shifted. And I had always, always struggled with weight my entire life. So it was something that I had tried different diets.
I would lose the weight. I would gain it back. I would lose the weight. I would gain it back. It was very frustrating. I always say I've been in that deep, dark maze of confusion where you don't know what to do, but you're trying to figure it out. And it can be very frustrating when you see the results, but they only last temporarily. And then before you know it, you've gained it all back and then some.
So when I lost the weight finally in 2014, I knew there was something different about that program. And I knew that combining the fitness, the nutrition and the mindset together is what gave me that lasting change. So really that was the moment when I was like, "if I can get out of that roller coaster and go into cruise control, I need to show everybody how to do this. I have to, like, I owe it to everyone. I have to pay it forward." And that's where my coach was working with me at the time, kind of pushed me a little bit to take on this journey.
And I was like, well, I never thought I'd be a fitness coach. There's no way. But then, you know, as we talked about it more and more, the vision started to become clearer and made more sense. And I'm so glad I took that leap and I got all my certifications. I'm a certified personal trainer. I have my corrective exercise specialization, and it is so fun.
Victoria, I love your energy! Lol!
And of course, my nutrition coaching. So I try to keep up all of my certifications because that's important to me. And every two years I have to renew them just for me to learn and keep up with what's going on in science and health, my clients. So that was really the moment. I think when I found a way out, I knew I'd show it to the others.
Let's talk about it!
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Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 156 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
And so in this podcast episode, I have a badass delicious, fabulous goddess to get to share with you: my friend, Stacy. She's an influential, inFLOWential leadership mentor for visionary CEOs.
You can find her at StacyRaske.com - Welcome to the podcast, goddess.
Stacy: Oh, thank you so much. That was such an amazing intro. I was like, wow, I was sold right on the intro to something amazing. I'm like, I want to listen to this podcast! This is phenomenal.
I know I've got to because, I've listened to some of the episodes, but I had no idea, why, there were so many. I was like, oh! I need to binge!
Victoria: Oh, bring on the binge, bring it on. I mean, it's interesting. I talk to a lot of people about how I podcast - and we were actually riffing on this before I went live - how I like, I have a structure for it. And for some seasoned vets of podcasting, they're like, you do everything wrong... and I love it!
Stacy: So I don't think it's wrong at all. I think it's you doing you in your amazing way, and I think it's perfect.
Victoria: Yay! Thank you.
Stacy: You're so welcome.
Victoria: So I think you're right. And you know what? You are right, and you are amazing. You - the work that you do is fabulous. I love, honor and respect you goddess for all the transformational work you do.
And I know that there's like a mutual feeling and understanding. But at the same time, this may be the very first time someone is seeing you or hearing about who you are and what you do in the world.
So if you could please tell us in your own words what exactly it is, what you do, and especially what are the three things that you're known for?
Stacy: Juicy stuff. Yes. Thank you, Victoria. Yeah, I'm Stacy Raske, best selling author, speaker, Iraq war veteran, badass biker chick.
I even wore my Harley Davidson shirt today! And most importantly, leadership, mentor and soulful success coach for visionary founders and CEOs, helping them shatter the invisible ceiling to become the revolutionary leaders they're called to be, elevating their legacy of impact while enjoying the ride.
Victoria: Oh, my God. I just I have to I have to say - thank you for your service, by the way. Keep rocking it.
Stacy: But I like - you are so, you're so welcome. I know at some point I have to do one of these interviews, like on my motorcycle or get somebody, I wanted to put the rev of the engine in the intro to my podcast.
So at some point we might get that added in, maybe next year, because we just want to launch now, and do the refresh and the revamped later.
Well the three things that I'm known for, it's really interesting.
The powerful feedback that I get the most is how vulnerability is my superpower, that my willingness to be so emotive and be willing to access, how I can go right from badass biker chick to like full on vulnerability, and with such ease and grace, everyone's like, "wow," because it allows them to give themselves permission to do the same. And it's just such a phenomenal thing and it's a superpower we all have access to when we're willing to give ourselves permission.
And that is that key thing to what I call that inFLOWential leadership, which is that next level, right?
I talk about Alphas. I talk about the influential alpha, which breaks out of the paradigm of the quintessential kind of the negative associations that we have with the alpha, the type A, the ballbuster, the control freak, the, you know, all of the negative things, and really elevate to the highest level of alpha, which is really being the leader that our business, our brand, our message, our mission needs us to be because we've got it - it starts with us.
And if we're called to impact the world, if we're called to create a legacy, if we're called to lead a revolution in the world, we've got to be that leader and the influential alpha, which is really this, I would say.
I lovingly say I hope Alpha's shift from intimidating to influential, because that's what we're doing, is being able to balance the masculine energy with the feminine energy.
And that's what it's all about.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
The Future of Coaching - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 155
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 155 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is simple yet profound, it is this: The Future of Coaching.
So, if you tuned into the podcast yesterday I had some things to say, some feels, and, you know, some criticisms around the coaching industry in my last podcast episode that was Episode 154, if you want to search for it. And that was on the dark side of coaching, but I wanted to continue our conversation today, in particular around where, as a visionary, I see the coaching industry going.
And as I say this to you, I am standing in my wonderful office at home with all of the rainbows coming through, because I have my crystals in the window that, like, refract light and cause all these rainbows to, like, cascade all over the room, and I am fondling roses as I'm recording, so with that - and of course the candle burning - so you know me: I like spiritual, colorful, natural things I'm just naturally drawn to them.
I can't really help it, right? I just so happened to be an energy healer, I just so happened to be a highly creative individual, so these types of things, like, things that are natural, things that lift my spirit, support my energy, I'm drawn to them. And when I am around others, they tend to be drawn out. And so I mentioned in the last podcast episode this will be the 11th year I've been receiving coaching, and I've seen this interesting kind of evolution emerging in the different group coaching programs, as well as one on one coaching packages I've experienced over this last decade, and they're showing me the future of coaching that I keep seeing. And I keep hearing it from my spirit guides as well, is that the future of coaching is spiritual.
The future of coaching I feel head to toe, and I'm getting chills as I say this to you, is that the future of coaching is spiritual. More and more, there are emerging conversations around mindset. Mindfulness, self leadership, spiritual leadership, healing leaders, right, healing ourselves. Having responsible and ethical businesses. Right, giving back, pursuing our life's purpose. This is something inherent to the human experience to desire for the higher way, right, there is a certain level of growth and expansion that we can have of "Okay, I'm going to grow myself on a physical level" right, "I'm going to expand my health."
And I'm going to improve myself there and you know I go for coaching and I received the transformation it's awesome; I've received improved health, awesome. Where's the next frontier?
Okay, well how about my business? So I want to grow my business, right, grow my bank account, grow my impact in the world so I'm going to go for coaching for that. Received my transformation. It's awesome. Yes, made more money, got more clients, expanded the team, etc. Beautiful. What's the next frontier?
Okay so I got good health, good business, well, how about my emotions? So I go for, you know, personal development or maybe therapy or, you know, coach with a psychotherapist turned life coach and all that types of stuff to work on my mindset and my emotions, etc. and improve my relationships, and have transformation. I'm finding new levels of self love more than ever before. It's absolutely amazing, the transformation. Yes! Beautiful. Where's the next frontier?
Okay, I my body is doing good. My business is doing good. I'm in a good headspace. Where's the next frontier?
Like, you know what, I, I want to work on my purpose here on Earth. I want to. There's certain things that money can't buy that I'm looking to receive my next level transformation around. There's something about giving back to my community that speaks to me on a spiritual level. That is what I want to see: something speaks to me when I see other people transform and they heal, or they reconnect to their power in an infinite sense, in a spiritual sense - in one that transcends just this technique and doing this thing well or this decision and making the right decision.
There's a higher purpose or a higher calling on my life and my beliefs. I've gone through so much transformation, right, that my beliefs have expanded to include that there's some sort of a conscious universe around me that is wise enough to meet me where I'm at. When I say this is my goal, that it rearranges itself for my best interest right now, and that my best interest when I'm doing that from my elevated state is actually the best interests of all those involved. That all of the universe is connected in this expansion, and I'm excited by that.
The future of coaching is spiritual.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
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Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
The Dark Side of Coaching - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 154
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 154 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is simple yet profound, it is this: The Dark Side of Coaching.
And right now as I hit record on this podcast to you it is 11:11 on the clock. So, this is a very auspicious time for us to talk about this subject. And as I was meditating before recording, my spirit guides kept saying over and over and over again the word "addiction addiction", "entrepreneur addiction", "addiction addiction", over and over, and let's talk about this.
Because, gosh, I was just on the phone with one of my private clients, and we were discussing about the different needs that we have as creatives who have a background in like, the service industry, the holistic industry, the entertainment industries, as opposed to someone who has a background in corporate, right, and those kinds of industries, as far as their main stay before coming to entrepreneurialism.
And I know for me, as someone who is highly creative, visionary, artistic, right; I am a musician and all those types of things - there is something about my addictive personality that fuels my creative genius. I have to understand that; I have to accept and come to terms with it - I'm this is a lifelong journey of understanding that my addictive personality is what fuels my creative genius. So that's another reason why for me personally, you know, my time in corporate was only a couple years. I couldn't stay for like a long period of time because it was too structured; it kind of drove me nuts. Yes, I got out of there! Right?
I was working at a medical billing coding practice, and grew from $75,000 a month to over $750,000 a month in just under two years and I was like, "you know what that's enough corporate, gotta go." And I did right by them, I grew there, grew them to 10X, and then bounced. But as a creative, I have this addictive personality, you know, and I'll - let's just put this all on me, you know how we roll when it's just you and I, on these podcast episodes. But I can't just do something half way, right? I gotta - I don't know if you're listening with kids in the car, but - I can't just do it, half-assed I gotta do it whole-assed!
Like if I'm going to be lazy, I'm going to be a complete waste of time, I'm going to dissolve into the ground, lazy, I am going to, like, fall asleep on the toilet type lazy, but I'm not going to do things, half, I'm going to go big or go home. Right. I have an addictive personality. When I start the bag of popcorn, right, that Trader Joe's at Olive Oil popcorn omg, right - that's a thing of the past for me, thank the goddess, but - like when I start one of those big bags you know I gotta finish it.
I'm a finisher. I tend to to finish what I started. I have high follow through, but I at the same time I'm creative, I have a bunch of ideas rolling around in my head, and we've talked about this in previous podcast episodes, that I do, I have an addictive personality. I have a history of addiction, right, by the grace of personal powerful decisions as well as the grace of spirit I released alcohol. Release drugs. Right. And also released, and now I'm in the process of releasing stress eating, right, and addictions to food.
But that doesn't mean that my addictive personality stops there, it jumps over to workaholism, right, like adding more adding more to my plate, right: our task-a-holism. Right. And I am saying this, and we've discussed this many times in the podcast, but I want us to talk, especially to shine light on that.
Let's talk about it!
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Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 153 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
And so this podcast episode, I have an incredible goddess to get to introduce you to. She's going to share her story and she's such a light and the love.
It's Natalia Edelmann from NataliaEdelmann.com. She is a fabulous life and business strategist and certified wellness coach for women entrepreneurs. Right? Those go getter goddess's - she's their support system.
She's a number one best selling author and founder of the Wellness for Wealth Academy. Welcome! Welcome to the podcast, Goddess.
Natalia: Thank you so much, Sensei Victoria, I'm so excited to be here.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh! So I know you are awesome. You know I'm awesome. We got that. We got that. And so here's the thing. This may be the very first time that someone might be encountering you, seeing you or hearing you speak.
And I would love for you in your own words to share with us. Could you what exactly do you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for in your business?
Natalia: I can definitely do this for you all. And I'm I'm really excited because I would say the three things that I am best known for are my positive candor. So my positive attitude, straight talk, my vision and strategy. So the idea is that I help you create and bring to life from your purpose the strategies that we put behind it to take your passion to profits and create that home-based online business that you will soon be able to travel live that laptop lifestyle with.
And, of course, wellness because wellness is at the heart of everything we do, wellness is a state of being, it's an active process of making choices towards a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. And we don't realize the power that we have, the choices that we have. And I'm here to help you take those and make the, like, be courageous, make those choices so that you can make the choice to take a chance and forever change your life.
Now, I came from wealth management. I was in wealth management for 11 years, and I took an MBA and a CPA throughout that. So I just love being able to help people crystallize their vision and really create a simple strategy to help them get to their destination without the overwhelm, without the stress, and then helping you reach that peak state of being, so that everything around you, you know, all areas of your life just fall into place.
And so you are this unstoppable being, this unstoppable power of nature, who's ready to make an impact in this world and just all take the world by storm!
Victoria: I just get goosebumps just talking about it. It's amazing. I love it! Oh, my goodness. This is such a joy.
And what I love, as you're describing that, is I could see that sister that you're supporting just blossoming. Blossoming. I just get goosebumps, as you were describing her to like, going from "Well, I could" or like "I don't" or "I'm not exactly sure where to go" to being like "I'm here and I'm in my calling." Right? And "I'm wealthy and I'm joyful and I'm well" - right? And being that force of nature. That force for good. Gorgeous.
Natalia: Yes. Thank you.
Victoria: And so that makes me curious, though.
So you mentioned a little bit of, like, your former careers and study. And so how did you get here? Like, what happened? What's the story behind your epiphany of, "you know what, I'm going to be a life and business strategist; I'm going to be like a certified wellness coach"? What happened to inspire you to be on this path, on your journey?
Natalia: Well, I'll tell you, Sensei Victoria, that I, much like a lot of women that I meet, I didn't always know what I wanted to do. Like, I used to hate having that question asked to me. So where do you want to be in the next five to ten years?
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 152 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So, in this podcast episode, you're in for a special treat, because I have here Jessica Silvershein of YourAssistantIsHere.com, and she is my and many other people's amazing, fabulous virtual executive assistant.
Jessica, you have saved my booty, and I want to thank you for coming on the podcast. Welcome!
Jessica: Thank you. Thank you. So excited to be here.
Victoria: Yeah! And so, I know you're awesome and you know my business on the inside. So, you're very aware of what's going on over here. But here's the thing. This may be the very first time that someone might be hearing about you or seeing you and what you do. And so, if you could, in your own words, tell us what it is you do exactly and especially what are the three things that you're known for?
Jessica: So, I run my own virtual assistant business called Your Assistant Is Here and I work with busy entrepreneurs to help them get their time back so they can focus more on building their business and building their revenues, or simply getting their free time back so they can focus on themselves.
Because as entrepreneurs, we're not only the CEO, CFO, our own accountant, our social media manager, we do everything, and especially right now the working moms who are working and doing virtual education as well for their children. So, I'm here to help them learn how to delegate and really prioritize what is most important to them in their business and what are the things that they can actually delegate so they can get their free time back and focus elsewhere, because nobody wants to be working until 11, 12 o'clock at night. We all have better things to do.
And the three things that I love to work on and that I'm known for are my follow up systems. So, we live in this amazing virtual world now where you can go to multiple networking events in a week and meet hundreds of new people, but you may not have the time to follow up with all of them. So Your Assistant Is Here takes care of that for you.
And what we do is we follow up with everybody that you are meeting at these virtual networking events so you're able to make connections with them. So, it's not only building your business, but it's also building your referral network. You never know where your next client or referral is going to come from. And these virtual networking events are so important to get your name out there, to have a brand presence. And then most of all, see how you can work with other entrepreneurs as well. And we work on a multitude of platforms for that from LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
My personal favorite is LinkedIn. I think there's so many opportunities there for entrepreneurs to connect and engage with one another. And it's such an amazing platform for you to really showcase who you are as a professional and really to brag about all your accomplishments or your client's accomplishments as well. I'm also all about organization and optimization. So, we organize everything for our clients from their inboxes to their Google Drive and really make it something that they're able to use on a day to day basis.
Often, I see clients where their inbox has over a thousand emails, there's no folders, there's no labels. So, we go in and we create an organization system. So, all of their emails from their account in our one place, all their expenses are in one place, and then each client has their own folder as well. That way you're always able to find things and you're not budgeting in your inbox. Where's this email from Sensei Victoria that I can't find? We fix that problem.
We'll also go into clients’ google drive and fix those because often times it's just a jumble of files and again, they can't find anything. So, we really optimized for them. So instead of spending five minutes looking for an Excel spreadsheet, we already know where the Excel spreadsheet is because it's in a folder, have a place, it's all about finding a home for everything.
And then one other thing I love to work on with my clients is getting exposure for their business through organic PR. And I work with a few different media outlets where we're getting our clients featured on web publications like BuzzFeed, and so it just gives a lot of accreditation to these small businesses when they get featured and often times also brings in new clients and referrals for them as well.
Victoria: This is so fabulous, like you are here to save the day, and I love it, I love it, I love it! I love the love hearing all of the fabulous things that you do, because I know that firsthand.
And it's definitely given me so much more a sense of ease, like, being a member of a women's organization, and we're meeting on Zoom all the time. All the time. And to be able to have you have you on my team so I could pass the ball to say, hey, can you follow up with all these lovely people? And I can go off and do the other stuff that, like my energy is spent on not just going out there and sending messages. You're fabulous. Just so wonderful.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 151 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
And so in this podcast episode, I have a longtime friend and goddess. Oh my goodness. And she's been clearing and energizing my energy. I get to introduce her to you all today. Her name is Gracieuse Charles. She's an incredible coach, a powerful energy healer, and she's going to be sharing more about her story. Goddess, it's an honor to have you welcome to the show.
Gracieuse: It's an honor to be here, Victoria.
Victoria: Oh, so good. So good to see you. And so you and I both love each other. You and I both know that each one of us is absolutely fabulous. And this may be the very first time that somebody is getting introduced to you or getting to meet you. So if you could tell us in your own words what it is you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for. Could you tell us, Goddess?
Gracieuse: Oh, my gosh, yes, well, the first thing that I'm known for is my energy. When I walk into a room, if you're facing this way, you'll turn around because you can feel me. This has been since I was young. I didn't understand what it was, my energy showing up in a room. And the second one is the love that I have so much love to give, I just, it just pours out of me all the time. You can hear it from my voice, hear it from my words. And lastly, people just love my smile. That would be it. Great. I'm simple. I like to keep this simple.
It just brings me joy of, you know, from the simplicity of things. So, yes, my energy, my love and my smile. Yeah, so what I do, actually, is I love people, I really do. And I want to see everyone, I want to have everyone doing the best they can when they can as much as they can. So the energy comes into play, the love comes into play and the smile comes into play. So I think it's a great combination to help those who are in my vicinity and my surroundings who are in need of it. I am a Mindset Reset Coach, I help you to reset your mind and to just be live and just enjoy. It’s that' simple.
Victoria: So gorgeous and I can attest, Gracieuse, like your energy is so warm and so full, it's so soulful. No, palpable. Oh my God. And so that makes me curious. What inspired you to get on this path to helping others with their mindset and their energy? Like, was there something that happened that gave you the epiphany of “Aha. I'm like, I'm here to love, I'm here to help more people. And just to give more abundantly.” Is there a story around that could you tell us?
Gracieuse: Well, it kind of morphed into this individual that I have right now. It was a process since the beginning. I mean, I, I understood and realized that I was different, different in a sense that, you know, whatever I touch and I'm not boasting or anything like that, I'm just yeah. It's like anything I touch, it just blossoms, you know, and it just, like when I was... I have three boys and yes, now they're three young men, but I have had three of them, and it's like. I was very much into natural medicine and I was very much into organic stuff and omega 3s and like even my pediatrician for the kids, she kept asking me every once in a while, like, “am I seeing another pediatrician because I don't see your kids?”
I said, “well, darling, my kids don't get sick. Thank you very much. Ok, they'll come to you for shots, but that's about it, you know.” So I prefer to heal from the inside because your body was created to heal itself.
So when I became a coach, I was more like a life coach, helping people to set things straight, help them out with whatever situation they had going on. And then when my kids graduated college, everyone was asking me, like, “how did you do it?” Because, like, my oldest, that is, he got his doctorate at 24 as a physical therapist. Yes. My second one went to Carnegie Mellon on a full ride, went back to Carnegie for his masters, went to Oxford for a second Masters and is now in medical school at Pitt. Right. And the third one graduated from the University of New Hampshire on his graduation, he bought me a car. Yes. And he worked for Anderson Tax as soon as he graduated.
So the kids were doing really well. So my friends wanted to know, “hey, what are you instilling in these children? What are you feeding them,” etc., etc.. So the coaching kind of evolved to helping college juniors to kind of, like, by the time they get to their senior year, they have a job lined up and this and that, and this and that. And then when they come out, they're like, “yes!” You know? Yeah.
And from there, I'm like, wait. Everything is in the mind, your thoughts create your reality. So for me, my thought was always that. I'm going to give my kids all the love, all the nurturing, everything that they need to be that successful individual that they need to be in their future.
So when you're talking in terms of becoming things, when you're saying it and it's becoming a reality, when what you think is aligned with what you say and what you feel it has no choice but to come through.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Asking for Help - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 150
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 150 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is simple yet profound, it is this: Asking for Help.
Asking for help. Let's do it. Okay, so this is a podcast episode that is dedicated to all of the people that I know and love, who are just like me, who don't ask. There's no way that we're gonna be asking for help. Nope!
If it's gotta be done right I gotta do it by myself, right? If it is to be it's up to me! Come on now. Anything my mind can conceive and believe it can achieve - thanks, Napoleon Hill. Right? I'm a conscious creator. My thoughts are things and I control my reality. I'm not gonna ask for help!
Oh my gosh. So this is also for those of you who are listening to our last Podcast Episode - Episode 149 on Stress Eating - where I shared my story about, gosh, how my weight climbed up to higher than it has ever been before in 2020, due to the positive and negative stresses that I was experiencing, and I left you with a cliffhanger. I left you with a cliffhanger of like “oh and then I got help” and then and podcast ends Haha! No.
So I'm gonna pick up right where we left off. Because I know I'm obviously the only person on the planet, who has trouble asking for help. And I also know that I am a unique unicorn in the entire universe that when I do ask for help, I suck at receiving it. And so, this is, again - I hope you can smell the sarcasm filling the room - I hope it serves you to hear about, you know, my maladies and I hope you're laughing at me from far away wherever you're listening in the world - sending you so much love! No matter what I am here to open my heart, so that you can feel inspired and safe to do the same.
So with that, asking for help. So in the first part, and I explained this in the last podcast episode, what got me to asking for help was hitting a rock bottom point in my experience so hard that I could admit, “I don't know what I'm doing.” Now, you have to understand, like, if you look at all of my, like, you know, IQ tests, Myers Briggs, Kolbe, StrengthsFinder, even my astrology, my human design, if you look at all of the reports on how Victoria is built, even if you look at my, my Rocket Fuel Visionary-Integrator tests, how Victoria Sensei Victoria Whitfield is wired is to be highly visionary, and highly integrative.
It's, I remember, especially when I took that assessment from the Rocket Fuel book, the Visionary and the Integrator tests. I took them, and I was pissed because I got the same results 74 and 75 on both tests. I'm like “are you kidding me!?” So I'm wired to not only have like quickstart energy but also to get it done. What the heck, right? Also, gosh, I could be considered a bit of a personal growth and development junkie. And because I do, as we shared in the last podcast episode, I have a bit of an addictive personality, I know whenever they're like in the group coaching progress for entrepreneurs, they're like, “who here's high on the QuickStart” and then most of the room raises their hands, and then uh for me on quickstart I'm a six out of 10 so I'm not high, I'm like a 4664 if y'all know Kolbe, then there's, like, “Who here isn’t” it's like, you know, like, six and under or mid range stuff like that or low, and then me and like a couple, like maybe one or two, maybe five people out of the group will raise their hands out of like a couple hundred people.
And so, it's, this is, this is a blessing and a curse, a blessing and a curse. Because, okay, if you go to VictoriaWhitfield.com and you're like “oh, Victoria, I like your website, who did it?” I'll say, “I did.” And this is something that I'm smiling, and so pissed off about, like, “oh, Victoria love your email template, who did that?” “I did.” “Oh, Victoria. I like how you do your social media on Instagram, who set that up for you? Who did you study with?” ...no I figured that out, like, no. So, I am the queen of do it yourself.
I know HTML and I can read CSS and some JavaScript and stuff like that. So, and when I'm talking to my marketing team that I've paid tens of thousands of dollars now to do the thing I'm like - and they know me now - so I'm like, “Alright. Are y'all gonna do that, or do you want me to do it?” And they're like, “No, Victoria you paid us to do it” and I'm like “well I don't know, I could just --" and on my end I have to kind of smack myself. Stop. Stop!
Take your hands off the keyboard. Victoria, get out of Canva. Stop it! Stop. You don’t need to do the graphic design. Sure, I have a designer, but I'm not supposed to be doing that, right, because mine versus the professional’s design? There's a whole ‘nother flavor to it.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Stress Eating - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 149
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 149 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is Stress Eating.
Stress eating. And this I especially want to talk, to share some stories of my own around stress eating not just because things are like difficult or bad but it's also because things are growing - it's like growing your business and your belly. And not because you're pregnant, unfortunately! Abundance is abundance is abundance.
You know, when I woke up this morning my spirit guides really put it on my heart to share a little bit more around stress eating. And so, I don't know if this episode is for you but I'm gonna keep following guidance and make sure that I share exactly as I've been told to, right, because I believe in running a Spirit-led business. My spirit guides, my intuition, are the CEO, and basically the CVO, of my company and the more that I follow their guidance, the more effective I become.
So with that being said right now it's winter after COVID, and well not after COVID - it's the winter. You know, January-ish later into the winter, and COVID has been all year, 2020 and what happened for me personally when COVID first hit, is that I was surrounded by a lot of people who had a lot of things changing, right? And maybe this was the case for you, like, you can't go where you were expecting to go, can't do what you plan to do, sales that you're expecting are not coming through in the way that they typically do - like, there's so much shift and change.
And I'm also surrounded by a lot of people who want to live lives that are post-transformation, right? So post-transformational lives, what does that mean? That means they transform something about their themselves or their health. So, maybe they've embraced sobriety, or maybe they've embraced, you know, going vegan or gluten free or maybe they've embraced giving up alcohol or, you know, drugs, something like that or maybe they've embraced self-respect and personal boundaries, all those types of things. It's the post-personal-growth-and-development type of person - or not even not to say that “post” means it's over and you're never gonna change again - but you've been through some stuff. Right?
My people have been through several programs before me. Before maybe they did Landmark or Tony Robbins or a did all different kinds of stuff to transform their businesses as well or their branding their self images. And so we live a lot more conscious life post transformational program.
So I'm surrounded by people who have a higher level of stress due to change, but also who try to control their stress response, and all of life is a mirror. So, I'm included in this. Why am I surrounded by all these types of people? Well I happen to be one of them. I always joke with my clients that not only am I a client but I am also the president of the Hair Club for Men as well. Yeah.
So, with that, okay, right there with you, trying to manage my personal energy in response to so much change trying to and live consciously and be mindful and make sure that I am continuing to show up in a way that displays and conveys the fact that I create my reality and I am in control, although I have had experiences of victimization in the past.
I desire, right, as someone who is post personal development or post transformational experience, I desire to show up as someone who says, “Wait a minute, I can get myself back above the 50% line,” “I am in control” and what matters most is how I feel and I can control how I feel. I can think with intention and all these types of, you know, positive forms of self control enthusiasm, or, you know, we could say it's being a control freak but I appreciate my mentor Fabienne would talk about being a control enthusiast. So with that being said, Okay, COVID everything upside down, everything's changing.
There are a lot more stressed people around me and well, what do? I provide holistic stress management. I provide, like, a safe place for entrepreneurs to process the emotional rollercoaster of abundant business ownership. Okay, so suddenly things in my business - I was actually just earlier today texting with my bookkeeper and she like gave me numbers to show this fact that suddenly, what I'm doing, has become way more relevant. I mean it's always been relevant: there's always stress with owning a business, especially a purpose-driven business, right? You have a special flavor of stress.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!