
Wednesday May 06, 2020
FUNding Your Business - Interview with Dominick Wallace - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 118
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 118 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is FUNding Your Business.
So in this podcast episode, I am bringing to you the one, the only, Dominick Wallace. I know him from the awesome Two Comma Club with Clickfunnels and Russell Brunson, and Dominick, welcome to the podcast brother!
Dominick: Thank you! Victoria I'm so excited to be here.
Victoria: Yeah! So, here's the thing, this may be the very first time that someone is getting to meet you, to hear about you and experience your message, right, to learn what you do.
So, if you could tell us, as if we're hearing for the first time what it is that you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for?
Dominick: All right, all right, no secrets here. So, check this out. So, and I have talked about this in the book that I've written, and we can talk about that later, but go back about 20 years ago, I was running a painting contracting business.
And imagine me, you know, with a crew of guys, you know, on ladders and and all that kind of stuff. And, you know, we were doing people's houses painting their houses mainly the outside of their house. And like most people who have a business they want to grow it. So that was me.
Most people are thinking like, "hey, how do you grow that business," and, like most people I'm thinking well in order to do that I need to get what bigger jobs, right? And so, my thought was, instead of people's houses, let me try to do commercial work, so like buildings and so forth that way.
And so I'm talking to the individuals that, you know, make these decisions for that. And what I've learned very quickly is that there's a whole lot of layers.
So you talk to the owner of the building, and then the owner of the building says you need to talk to the property manager, and the property manager says you got to talk to our general contractor because you're a painting contractor, you need to go through that person.
And then. Okay, so the first, the next question I ask myself is well... How do I get paid!? Okay.
>> Check out Dominick's bestselling book on Amazon, "Million Dollar Story" at https://amzn.to/2L0Dbu0 <<
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Antidote to Fear Part 2 - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 117
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 117 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Antidote to Fear - Part 2.
This podcast episode is a continuation of the last one is the antidote to fear and this is part two. So in part one if you haven't listened to it, it's Episode 116 on the podcast.
We went over one half of the antidote to fear a really powerful shift to go through to make sure that we're moving consciously out of the prevailing fear-based vibrations of perceiving how it is to be in business, how it is to be at work, how it is to be in the world right now.
And we were talking about how there's something that you could do, and prioritize and it starts with the letter "P." And if you didn't get to listen to that episode by all means go check it out on the Journeypreneur Podcast on iTunes.
I know there are those of you out there, some of you watching this live right now on Facebook, you might be watching this on YouTube, as well as iTunes or wherever you're listening to it. Welcome, hello, hello! And let's get to it.
So, this is the thing: when we're moving from one paradigm to another, from a fear paradigm to another one that is in faith, that is empowered, that is positive, that has a sense of forward momentum, one that isn't paralyzed by panic, anxiety, worry or stress, there is something that happens that can really catalyze the fear into raw energy.
And in this second part of our discussion around the antidote for fear and making sure that you are clearing that out of your system, this part of our discussion is going to go to those of you who have been feeling like "huh I'm kind of caught going around in circles" lately.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
The Antidote to Fear Part 1 - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 116
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 116 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is The Antidote to Fear - Part 1.
So before I started recording this podcast episode, I got a divine download that this is going to have to be a two-part discussion, and I was surprised by that! Let me explain.
As I was going about my day today chatting with clients of mine - and by the way we are streaming on Facebook live as I record this, sending so much love to our Entrepreneur Master Manifestors watching live in the Facebook group, and a special shout out to all our Journeypreneur Podcast followers, thank you for your support - so earlier today we were talking a lot about the "honey badger" virus, right, the "cooties" virus that's going around.
You know what I'm talking about! And we were discussing how there's a lot of fear that is active in the collective consciousness that's entirely unnecessary, and the vision that I got from my spirit guides is that our minds, our bodies are taking on excess empty calories of negative emotions and images, metaphorically speaking, we have to digest.
And if we don't have a proper emotional digestive system, we can get backed up and constipated, emotionally and spiritually. As in, suffering from free-floating anxiety, long-term anxiety, as well as feelings of stress, tension, nervous holding patterns. The emotional environment is making us sick.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Letting Spirit Lead - Interview with Hanna Bier - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 115
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 115 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Letting Spirit Lead.
So in this podcast I'm delighted and excited to get to introduce you to my friend Hanna Bier. Welcome to the podcast goddess!
Hanna: Thank you so much for having me, Victoria. I am buzzing over here! I'm so excited!
Victoria: Yeah! Welcome, welcome. So for everyone listening in, Hanna is an energy healer and family constellation therapist, and you can find her at HannaBier.com online.
So alright my sister, my soul sister, this may be the very first time that people are getting to hear about your or meet you, and so I would love for you to share with us what exactly it is that you do in your business, but especially to share what are the three things you are known for, please.
Hana: Yes. So what I actually do is that I make people very happy and live their ideal lives.
So for one thing I am know for being clairvoyant. I've always seen energy. I see colors around people's bodies, and there's sometimes holes in the colors, and my clients tend to come to me to say "Hanna just tell me what's wrong, and fix it."
I used to think that was really normal and that everyone else could see what I am seeing too, but now I realize that's not the case, and it's what I've become known for in my business.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 114 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Following Your Heart In Business.
I am so excited to get to share with you my super fabulous goddess friend, Dr. Jane Tornatore! Welcome to the podcast my dear!
Jane: Wowza! What a delicious welcome!
Victoria: Yeah! Jane, I'm so happy to share your message. It's so wonderful that you are teaching the world about loving ourselves, radical self-love and boundaries. And for those of you who are listening and you can find Dr. Jane Tornatore at everydaylove.me is her URL.
So with that being said, Jane, this may be the very first time that someone is getting to hear of you or meet you, and so if you could tell us what you do, but in particular my favorite thing is to know what are the three things that you're known for?
Jane: Yes, well, the first thing I've known for is simple but profound tools to increase self-love and self compassion. I've found that the really big ones that have the most effect are super little, every day things. Now, to the second thing, is my enthusiasm and authenticity. Next to you I seem like a beginner at being enthusiastic because you are an enthusiasm Rockstar, but in the real world, this is what I'm know for.
You know, self-love and boundaries, and the little things we can do to change our life add up over time and can have a profound effect on our health.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Your Daily Virtual Vaccination - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 113
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 113 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Your Daily Virtual Vaccination.
What do I mean when I'm saying your virtual vaccination? Let me explain. So right now it's my birthday - March 11, 2020 - at the recording of this podcast episode and livestream going live on Facebook right now, and right now there is a lot of publicity going around - a lot of really scary media coverage - of something called the coronavirus.
And for a lot of people worldwide there are challenges facing this. I was just speaking on another livestream earlier today with a friend of mine Lira Kay - she's also on previous podcast episode here - but we were just speaking today, and I got a divine download about how powerful would it be to not just get your flu shot, but to get your "fear shot."
So lately we are exposed to so much negative press and things can really trigger us to create a lot of fear, a lot of worry, a lot of anxiety. And what can happen is that it starts to infiltrate your body. There's this pattern we start to exhibit of constantly being on the lookout wondering if things are going to work out all right for yourself and your own.
Are your home, your own business, your own family going to be be alright? And with that being said we keep running more and more on fear, and then we develop a habit of looking for things to fear. So then fear starts fueling our decisions and fear really eats up a lot of our mental and emotional energy.
And when it comes to being in a manifesting state, we cannot be feeling fear or running on fear.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 112 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Think Like An Entrepreneur.
So I am so honored that I get to share with you my friend Maya McNulty from fundraisingsecrets.org - she helps nonprofits get the funding they need to get out there and change the world. Welcome to the podcast, goddess!
Maya: Hey thank you! It's a pleasure to come through on the podcast, and oh my goodness you and I both know the world needs this message, giving your background with nonprofits, as we were just chatting about. I believe I have a solution, so if you're ready to dive in, I am!
Victoria: Absolutely! And, before we get started, this may be the first time that my listeners are meeting you, or someone's listening and meeting you for the first time, and before we go forward I'd love for you to tell me in your own words what do you do, but especially what are the three things that you known for?
Maya: Sure! Well, definitely I'm known for being a wonderful mom and wife - I've been married for over 21 years and my daughter is 19 and studying a Colorado Boulder University. I'm also known for being a fundraising maverick, and I'm also known for my love and integrity for my community.
Victoria: I love it, I love it, I love it! And my gosh, when I think of nonprofits the first thing I think of is love; how they get out there to serve and uplift our community, and just knowing that you have the answer to help them have the resources and the support to continue to get out there is awesome. So, I'm curious, like, what was the point that you you decided "I'm going to help nonprofits with fundraising" and started your business?
Maya: Awesome, well thank you for asking. Actually I'd like to start with some backstory. OK, so when I graduated from college I actually studied fashion merchandising. I worked for designer brands and went to school in Boston, New York, London, Paris - all over. And I did the big thing because I thought that's what that was my jam, doing fashion. But then the stockmarket crashed and I was out of work.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 111 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Reinventing Yourself.
I am so excited to get to introduce you to my Goddess friend Lisa Marie Grantham - welcome to the podcast Goddess! (Both giggles)
Lisa: Thank You so much, my love! I am so happy to be here, in this space with you. Thank you for inviting me. (giggles)
Victoria: My pleasure (giggles) and you can find Lisa and everyone at GoddessLifestyleplan.com - So Lisa, this may be the very first time someone is meeting you or hearing about you, and so I love to lead with this question of not just what do you do but what are the 3 things that you are known for, could you tell us?
Lisa: Absolutely. Well I guess my title is a Success and Business Coach for magical women. I am very attracted to the woo-woo, but not just the super woo-woo. I really really love working with woo-woo women that are ambitious because that’s me.
I think that sometimes that’s a little bit of sub-niche because, you know, woo-woo could be really floaty and may be even a little bit of a journey of discovering. I don’t like to just be one of those people who are dabbling around, interested in metaphysics. I myself was interested in crystals, nature, spirit and all the magical things, and, I have always been ambitious my whole adult life.
I have always wanted to grow, be more healed, more powerful, more wise - more all the things! And that’s who I love working with.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Always Giving Away The Farm - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 110
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 110 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Always Giving Away The Farm.
Oh my goodness! So I am, this year in particular, my goal is, to receive more collaboration opportunities. I am quite an entrepreneur in that I am an "if it is to be, it's up to me!" kind a gal, so I tend to do "do it yourself" stuff, in the past, I was more of a "do it yourself" type person and I got pretty far. Yeah, lol, I got pretty far on my journey "doing it myself."
And in my recent years I've begun transitioning out of "doing it yourself." Now, I'm a multi-talented individual, and that's all great and all, but that's a nice recipe for burnout, as we discussed in the last episode. So for me, I started to phase out of "do it yourself" because I am a control enthusiast - as I'm sure many of you can relate. If you're listening in and you feel that way by the way, Hi! High-five! Yeah, control enthusiasts unite, lol!
With that being said though, I wanted to be a little bit kinder to myself and start transitioning out of just being a DIY type entrepreneur do a DIT type: "doing it together." So I started learning how to work with others And opening up to learning more about delegation. Gosh, I've been learning about that for the last 5 years, and it's getting more and more intense within the last 2 1/2 in particular. So far, I've transitioned pretty well to doing things together, but now I'm getting ready to really start full-on delegating, as in it's moving from DIY to DIT, and now to DFY: "done for you" this year.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Self Care for Entrepreneurs - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 109
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 109 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of today’s podcast episode is Self Care for Entrepreneurs.
I am currently right now on a long-haul drive going down to my client Nettie Owens's Retreat, and I'm so happy to get to support her - check her out at SappariSolutions.com for more info! So, earlier today I wanted to make sure that I packed everything that I need, and I had this interesting experience as I was going about my day.
Oh my, I was speaking to different individuals about the climate right now - the social and emotional climate - and it is a little bit heightened and anxious, online especially, not so much locally. I find it interesting that, you know, when you open up the computer or open up your cell phone and things are popping up like "oh no! danger danger! watch out!" meanwhile locally, everything's fine.
So, I went to the local supplement store to pick up a few last minute items so that I could travel well. And for me that involves picking up different things that support my immune system, that I normally take anyway and I've been taking for years, I was just a little low on it, and I had an interesting conversation with the cashier at the register.
He saw that the different items that I was purchasing at this vitamin store were more around immunity defense, and I told him "yeah, you know, I'm gonna be traveling for the week and will to be in groups, so I might as well make sure that I'm supported." And he's says "yeah I hear you, that's really good!"
So, I asked if he had any zinc lozenges, and he said no because earlier that day one guy came and bought them out of the entire store and then they got word of that later on that guy went to another one of their chain stores and bought all of the lozenges there, too, and we were surprised.
Let's talk about it!
Are you blocking your next business breakthrough? Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!