
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode198 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Love Yourself and Make Mistakes.
So in this podcast episode, I have the honor and pleasure of getting to introduce you to my new friend Melissa Monty from mind love.com And the mind love podcast. Welcome to the podcast goddess.
Melissa: I'm so excited to be here. I'm already pumped up from our previous conversation, so I'm excited. Yeah. Oh
Victoria: My gosh. So that was amazing. So everyone like if you have not yet checked her out on my love calm you can find my podcast with her whenever she's whenever it's posted. I'm gonna wing it where we're at in time space reality as we're recording this thing. But I'm so grateful to have been a guest on the mind love podcast and I wanted to return the love because Melissa is pretty awesome. And I wanted to share her with all of you. So with that being said, Melissa, I know you're amazing. And you have like a pretty good understanding and I'm pretty cool too. But for all my listeners, this may very well be the first time that they're getting to hear about you and what you do in the world. Could you please in your own words, introduce yourself what what you do but especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Melissa: Yeah, well, what I've been known for has evolved as I've evolved, but what the thing that has been the the recurring thing the through line through all of it is mindset shifts. So every ever since I was a young child, I have for some reason felt the urge the enthusiasm to help people look at things a different way I before I ever knew what self development was like when I was in grade school. I remember just kind of seeing people struggle with their problems and realizing I could see it from a different point of view and I would facilitate a mindset shift. I did not realize that that I was doing until way later on in life when I started having to do it for myself, because isn't it so much easier to show to be the reflection for someone else's mindset shift than to put it forth at ourselves? Yeah, a lot of my healing and my growth came to figure out how to apply that to myself as well. The other things I'm known for now are my marketing background.
Even though I am a mostly in the world of mindset coaching. Marketing is just the way my grew a million downloads just the first year and it's also how I help other people launch their businesses and give them ideas for how to grow from nothing. So marketing is still there and finding purpose. And so finding purpose can be either that entrepreneur journey of like, what can I figure out? How can I figure out how to get paid for doing what I love. And for some people it can also be just that finding the meaning and every day maybe they are sticking with their corporate job and it means what it means to them, but they need to find that purpose in another way. So the finding purpose, marketing and mindset shifts are my three top things I love.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Awakening to Your Truth - Interview with Tarek Bibi - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 197
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode197 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Awakening to Your Truth.
I'm overjoyed. Just to get to share with you my dear friend, my brother from another mother, Tarek Bibi, brother, welcome to the podcast.
Tarek: Appreciate you, sister. Thank you so much for having me. Congratulations on hitting 197 Very, very honored to be a part of this and you blessed me the other day with a lot of wisdom that I've been integrating and implementing and I only pray my only prayer is that something good comes out of this and reaches at least one person and makes a difference in our lives starting with us and then anyone else's bonus. So
Victoria: Yes, and so.
Tarek: So this is
Victoria: I love it. So rather like with with that heart of service that you so beautifully have and I just want to thank you on behalf of all of the sisters especially because you've really helped women with manifestation, right raising into their divine feminine right you honor the divine feminine women in business or women in their spirituality in their consciousness raising when sees I want to thank you on behalf of the sisterhood as well as on behalf of all the audio files like you bring healing music. Well your beats are awesome you're when you spit. It's so elevating. It's so elevating, honoring you and with that like I know you're awesome and you know that I am too but this may very well meet maybe the very first time that someone's getting to see you here you learn about what you do in the world that brother if you could, on behalf of like sisters and brothers who are new to learning about you and encountering you. Could you tell us in your own words what it is that you do but especially what are the three things you're known for?
Tarek: Love it! Thank you, Sister loving honor Yeah, deep, deep connection to you. Yeah, like I'm a an ally to all those that aren't being treated equal. And that could be indigenous people could be people of color could be Arab Muslim. My heritage could be trans people could be children, animals, right. So I have this thing in my soul's memory of just people not being treated fairly and so I came in with a big drive and mission for fairness and empowering those that are not being empowered or being put down or not being treated as equal. And I am ready for the questions, sister.
Victoria: I got you, I got you. Where everybody like, by the way I have to celebrate our astrology Yeah.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode196 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Case Study Interview with Amy Lindner Lesser.
So in this podcast episode, I'm so grateful to get to share another case study with you. So this is a special where we are featuring an amazing magical client of mine and her story of transformation in her life in business, doing strategic meditation work with me, and just to share what it's been like as well as any wisdom for those of you who are listening in and who are curious like, what what happened when you were Victoria does something happened what and this is like someone who I love deeply and who we've had a mutual working agreement, so it's not just that she's been a client of mine, but I've also been a client of hers as well in the past and we've served people together lifted each other up.
It's Amy Lindner, lesser, incredible incredible now coach, Goddess and consultant for ins you can find her@inntrospection.com as well as her podcast, the introspection podcast and by the way, it's spelled i n n inntrospection. So that's really about her supporting me and keeping industry people who are looking to be in hospitality who are in hospitality and ready to serve at the highest levels what she does, and that is actually when we first convene. How we collaborated is Amy was the original innkeeper at my my Two Day Live retreats at her in and a lot has happened and manifested over the years and so we'll we'll see what we could get into in this podcast episode but I just want to welcome you to the podcast. Amy Thank you.
Amy: Thank you so much for inviting me. So exciting to be here.
Victoria: Yeah, and you are such a love you're such a ballbuster but also like a nurturing presence. So I think you're wonderful grounded person to share for people who are in the tribe are considering like becoming part of it. You give a really beautiful perspective for those who are seeking and so with that in mind, like we're both here, not only to celebrate you in all of what you have manifested and shifted, but also we're here to serve the listeners so that they understand more of is Victoria the right person for me or should I go with somebody else like what what does this look like?
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
How You See Yourself is Key - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 195
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 195 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is How You See Yourself Is Key.
So in this podcast episode, I'm really grateful for the realizations that I've been having lately. And I'm going to share an excerpt, another one for my 45 Lives Facebook Lives series. And the topic today in particular is how you see yourself is key. How you see yourself is key. I've been receiving some deep coaching lately and this has been helping me take my life and business to the next level. And I'm so excited to relay what I'm realizing to you in today's episode. How you see yourself is key. Let's get to it. Everyone, it said Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, you can find me at natural intuition dot com, where I help visionary entrepreneurs who are purpose driven business owners make their visions manifest. It's my goal to make sure that they create stress free business lifestyles. And how we do it is through implementing strategic meditation systems. Studies have shown that businesses that implement meditation systems have increased their profits on average around five hundred 20 percent. And I love seeing how the impact of meditation and taking strategic time to replenish during the day is really powerful for the business owners that I work with.
And so this is day 15 of 45 lives. And by the way, if you are watching live, put hash tag Leive, it's an honor and a pleasure to get to be journeying with you. Right. Let me see here. Who am I going to share this with? I'm going to actually tag the rocket fuel group, so I'm sharing that there. Thank you. And I'm also going to share it in my Entrepreneur Master Manifestoes Facebook group. But I want to thank you for those of you who have been journeying live with me during this time, because it takes energy to be coming on here live every day for 45, five days straight. And it's really empowering to know the impact that it's had on some of you seeing the insights and all the inspiration that it gives you to stay on your journey as well. So that energizes me. So, again, if you're watching live, put hashtag live. So I know to include you in the conversation that we're having today, as well as if you're watching on replay, put the hash tag replay so that I know to love you up as well. And thank you for being my journey partner. So I want to talk today in particular about. How your self-image is the key, like what you tell yourself, this is my greatest takeaway from today's Work Day and today was a very full workday. I went today was one of those days because I'm traveling and I'm going for a retreat over this weekend, like up in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts.
So excited to get to go. And I will I worked from 9:00 a.m. till now, which is apparently eight thirty five. So it's going to be a nine to nine this. Is a 12 hour work day today in particular, so that I can go out and travel and it wasn't like solid, I always have at least 30 minutes break between different appointments throughout the day. But I met with my team, met with all of my group clients, did an incredible podcast interview of Vince. You screen what the heck you inspired me for the title of this forty five live, by the way, and let a meditation class mean a lot. I cooked. I ate things. It's been a full day. It's been great and it's a pleasure to get to put a punctuation point like a lovely little period at the end of the day with you here on Facebook Live, everybody. So your self-image is the key. It's everything. And it's I realized this from multiple levels throughout the day for one in the coaching that I received from one torero, Tarini Catchwords Dotcom, incredible, incredible strategist. We really connected deeply to who's my ideal prospect by diving into how they see themselves and how there's a gap between how they see themselves and who they really are. Right in my service bridge, that gap that was so powerful to clarify today.
Thank you, Wanda. Oh, my God. Is it Kelly who got it? Thanks for tuning in. So, by the way, if you're watching live hash tag live, so I would include you in the conversation. And if you're watching on the replay, put hashtag replays. So I know. Love you up and thank you for joining with me. And so that was the first part of today's greatest gift being the way that you see yourself as key for one is I entered into that in how I can serve more people and communicating the value of our flagship program as a company. And that was so powerful. And then in the VIP circle, we were talking about the difference of how we see ourselves between basically being the workaholic worker bee versus the queen or king bee in the hive. How are you telling yourself the story of who you are and what you do in the work that you do? Are you the worker bee or are you the queen? And do you know the difference of their different functions? Both are absolutely sacred. Both are absolutely sacred. But there is a tremendous difference in the role as well as self perception and energy expenditure between the two. Right.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
How To Communicate Your Value - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 194
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 194 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is How To Communicate Your Value.
So in this podcast episode, I'm going to be sharing another excerpt from my 45 lives off of Facebook. And this one's a bit more tactical. So get your notepad and your pen ready, because we are going to be covering exactly how to communicate your value. Are you ready? Here we go. Everyone, it's Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to day 14 of 45 lives. And I am so excited to get to share with you my insight from my work today as an energy and business coach. Know, I just right now am coming hot off of a presentation that I gave for this wonderful I shared it on my page a little bit before the two women's networking organizations won in Spain, one based in Spain and one based in New Jersey, and the two of them coming together for today's Zoome, where I was the presenter on talking about getting paid to meditate. And as an energy and business coach, I help people get paid to meditate. I help them really leverage their expertise through practicing strategic meditation. And I really am excited about what I do.
What I want you to know that it has taken a very frickin long time to be able to communicate my value. By the way, if you're watching live put hashtag lives so I know to include you in this conversation to make it more of a two way experience. And if you were watching on the replay, put hashtag replay. So I know I love you up and thank you for being my journey partner on this forty five life's journey. So with that I wanted to share how did I come to being able to communicate my value? Because when I came into the car, no one knew what the hell to expect other than oh, going to meditate. All in, all out of the 90 minutes that I was on, we meditated for about three. I was watching the clock. We meditate for about three minutes, but they were riveted. They almost didn't want me to lead the meditation because what I was preaching on, if you want to call it that, is speaking on same difference. What I was talking about was so powerful that they're taking notes and Khumba and then the chat and all of the like. There was so much energy going back and forth because I have discovered and I have fought tooth and nail to be able to communicate my value. And so I wanted to share that is my greatest takeaway from today's Work Day to inspire you is how can you start to communicate your value? And I want to celebrate.
Tom Shipley. Whose mantra changed my life. Whose mantra completely changed my life. And it is one of the biggest things that helped me to learn how to convey my value to others rather than think, oh, she's just a Reiki master or, you know, meditation is not that serious. Oh, look at that. I am I must be dehydrated from speaking all these hours. Excuse me. Let me have some water. Oh. Tom Shibly is a mantra that changed my life. Shout out to Tom, I'm going to tell I will take him below in the comments. Well, let me say it like, oh, let me see, Tom. Tom Shibly tagged Thank You, Brother, changed my life with this mantra that you say over and over and over and over again, it has helped me to be able to convey my value to other people. And it is this. What is the problem? What's the problem? What's the problem? The exactly how to convey value is through articulating with clarity and with energy what is the problem that I solve? What is the problem that you solve? Now, I'm a huge fan of Simon Sinek and I love him. He smells great when you hug him. I know. And so what's great about his message is he says, start with why write him. Analyzing Apple is like a profound explosive growth example of a brand and a company and a legacy like, my goodness, they start with why they don't lead with the, you know, the features and all the programs and stuff like that.
Instead, they talk about why for this, for the revolutionaries, for the crazies and all of that kinds of stuff, that language. And I'm a huge, huge fan of him. And it's still I was still experiencing issues conveying the value of what it is I do write. I had all of this jargon in my head because I'm highly trained as a Reiki master and energy practitioner. I have all this jargon that when I start talking, people are like, well, I have no idea what you're saying and I don't know why I should care vs. articulating the problem that I solve that 100 percent buy in once I was able to convert. And the problem that I solve is the fact that companies don't see meditation as part of their profit loss statement. They don't see that. Studies have shown that meditation, when done strategically in business, has actually been shown statistically to increase profits by five hundred and twenty percent. That's five point to X, right? We did the numbers during my presentation. It's like if someone who was only working with ten clients could go to working with 50 to or someone who was making fifty thousand dollars a year could go to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars just by implementing strategic meditation that conveys the value of meditating like the monetary value.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode193 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Making Your Sales and Marketing Pop.
So I get to have my friend John Golden from sales pub. Welcome to the podcast.
John: Thank you. Thank you. I bought an introduction in the past. Well, I hope I live up to this to this billing.
Victoria: I'm sure of it. So what I love about your personality, John, is that you are so positive and you have a really great CRM that also backs up our entrepreneurs being able to serve more people. So with that in mind, could you tell us like this, this could be you know, the very first time that someone is getting you here you learn about what you do in the world. And so with that in mind, if you could tell us in your own words, what it is you do, and especially what are the three things that you're known for?
John: Yeah. So what I do today is I'm today I'm the Chief Marketing Strategy Officer with Pipeliner CRM and I'm also the the editor in chief or executive editor of sales pop online sales. I do the podcast that I was delighted to have sensei Victoria on and yeah and so to be honest, I'm known for, for business strategy for marketing for sales. I was fortunate earlier in my career. I ran. I was CEO of a couple of companies. One was international sales training, consultancy how Thwaites been selling the Neil Rackham book. So, that gave me a great background and grounding it also I was fortunate to work for a parent company that owned all of these businesses, but they allowed you this this this is an entrepreneur's dream in some ways, right? They allowed you to run the business as your own. But But you did but you had their backing, you know, so but but you have to deliver, right? And so that was a great grounding.
And after that, then I started my own management consulting business. And one of my larger customers was Nicholas Kim, who had started Pipeliner CRM. He moved over from Austria to this state. We started collaborating it was going great and he then he asked me, come on, come partner with me. And that's kind of where I ended up today. I've worked at I've worked at startup companies. I worked in Silicon Valley during the.com. I'm originally Irish and that's where I ended up. I came to Silicon Valley in the mid 90s. I moved over there. And you know, that was a bit of a wild introduction, I have to say to to the States because that was as we know, that was a bubble. And so over the years, I think, yeah, I like to look I like to look at myself as having a lot of experience in different areas. And that I think, is the essence of if you're going to start or run your own business, you need to have at least a good foundation in each of those in, in business strategy in general, in sales and in marketing, and you don't have to be you don't have to be a super expert at all of them. But you do need some kind of grounding in those
Victoria: 100% So like, what I found is that a lot of people who so we've been in the game for a while like I'm entering year 12 Right.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Case Study Interview with Ginny Baro - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 192
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 192 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Case Study Interview with Ginny Baro.
I had to hit record, the juices flowing Doctor Ginny Baro and I are celebrating how fabulous her productivity her work life is right now sit like this isn't a celebration of a view goddess because you how you are transmuting and shifting so much since we started working together and I want to let people know that their this is possible like to give them the vision of what's possible so as we could you just for those who may not know you could you give a little bit on who you are and what you do goddess.
Ginny: So hello everyone. My name is Dr. Ginny Baro, I am an international transformational speaker, and leadership coach, Career Strategist. And number one best selling author. I am super excited that Victoria was in my latest book healing leadership, which was published in 2021. And I've been with the tribe now for two years. This is my second full year. And we were celebrating before we started to record that yesterday, I went on a hike by myself for the first time as an adult. I love hiking is one of my favorite activities. But one of my fears was hiking alone, because I didn't feel safe. And I picked the place that was had other hikers and they'll say for me, and I was sharing that while I was done with my first hike because I did a second hike in the afternoon. I stopped as I was walking in the gardens, I stopped at a beautiful bench with a little canopy on top and I put my feet up, I had this small journal that I brought with me, I was jotting down some thoughts. And I began to download a blog on the 10 steps and the 10 strategies that I use to climb the labyrinth trail, the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, new New York. And then I took otter from my app, my phone and I began to speak the article after I had the 10 points. And the the shift that has happened for me is that I had to work and be spiritual and be connected and be centered separately. And now what I've learned to do over the past couple of years is to integrate the two and the productivity. The flow is absolutely amazing. Because there is no effort. You are constantly being present, listening to your intuition. And your work is coming from that place.
Victoria: 100% So so beautifully said so beautifully bragged and so beautifully downloaded. And as this as a side note for anyone watching, if you think like oh, she like she downloaded in her app, like I said, No.
Ginny: That's funny. It's funny because I'm an ex programmer. We're talking technology language, but we don't mean downloading your app on your phone
Victoria: Well that’s the thing like when people hear like I downloaded, they're going to go to the technological leg.
Ginny: Yeah.
Victoria: And you and I both like we're techies at heart, we're tech goddesses of you especially because that's your doctrine, you're You're an incredible. But when you say download, what do you mean?
Ginny: What I mean by that is, when you are in flow, when you are connected to nature to your mindful, you're in the moment, and you open up the floodgates to your intuition to literally take over. What happens is when you sit down, the ideas, just pour in, as if you're literally being told what to write. But the who's telling you is yourself. So it's you tapping into your intuition and the wisdom that lies within based on whatever inspired you at the moment and you learn to just let a flow instead of questioning, holding it back, editing yourself. You literally let a flow and it pours out of you. And that's how my book came out to I was putting together the fearless leaders challenge for this past July in July of 2021. And actually 2020 and I put together 30 topics that I wanted to cover during a five day challenge Hello. And obviously, it wasn't for the challenge. It was for the chapters in my new book. And allowing it to flow is what I've learned with the Korea, allowing to trust my intuition and honing it. Because it's one thing to know yes, I'm intuitive, your intuitive, we're all intuitive. That's never a question. The question is, are you listening to it. And so together with Victoria and the tribe, what we do is we exercise, learning how to tap into that intuition, so that it isn't happenstance. It's intentional, and is loving and courageous, and generous. And it is with ourselves. And so that's how it all begins. And that's what we learn. When we do the work together. It's, I say work but quite frankly, is so much fun. It's work because that's what we are calling it. We call it the inner work. But it's truly is our own evolution as as people and as leaders in our lives and in our businesses.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Humanly Possible - Interview with Angela Howard - Journeypreneur Podcast 191
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode191 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Humanly Possible.
I am so grateful that I get to share this amazing woman with you. I had the honor and pleasure of being interviewed on her podcast humanly possible future of work conversations on iTunes and all the things Angela Howard you can find her at Angela are howard.com and she's an incredible culture strategist. She really brings a new level of consciousness and humanity into the workplace and into teen cooperation. Angela, welcome to the podcast.
Angela: To be here is something of experience. Thank you for having me.
Victoria: Yeah, my pleasure. Oh my gosh. So this like this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you here you learn about you. And we know like we know we're both awesome. Like we have some strong resonance already. But we want to like bring everyone up to speed on your awesomeness. And with that being said, if you could, in your own words, what it like if you could say what it is that you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Angela: Absolutely. So what I do is I help organizations, leaders, people who own an organization or run an organization, create more human centric workplaces and I do that with my psychology, my workplace psychology background, so I focus more on mindset behavior change. The below the surface stuff, right that the above the surface stuff. So really, that manifests itself into workplace culture advisory strategy, help with organizations working with leaders to help coach them through how to build an organization or Conscious organization. And then also just working on mindset shifts. Batching your words with your actions.
Victoria: I love that and I love how you put that to that mindset. Shifts are matching your words with your actions, and I've feel a feel that I feel really super resonant with that because there are also toxic words that can steal energy from our actions. So raising that awareness I think is really powerful work that you do. Yay.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Your Self Care Is A Business Expense - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 190
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 190 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Your Self Care is a Business Expense.
So I am so excited to get to share this 45 lives excerpt in particular right off of my Facebook life series, because this is a huge passion of mine. The topic of today's podcast episode and the excerpt is: Your self care is a business expense. So buckle up, buttercup, because in this, that's where I get really, really passionate because this is one of the biggest things driving.
What I do in the world today is advocating for your self care as a business expense. Here we go. Everyone, Cynthia, Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, you can find me at natural intuition dot com, where I help conscious entrepreneurs like you get and stay grounded and clear in mind, body and business.
And I help visionaries make their visions manifest. And today is day 13 of 45 Lives and always, always giving thanks to Wanda Tarini for challenging me to share 45 lives in a row. This is something else.
And today, in each of these, I'm sharing what is my greatest gift, my main takeaway from the workday. And I am doing it in the middle of the day so that I can catch myself when I'm fresh as well as enjoy the rest of my days. Oh my goodness.
So I know to love you up and thank you for being on this journey with me. And so I wanted to because I'm very inspired at the moment. Share in today's 45 live about how your self care is your wealth. In fact, your self care is a business expense if you are a solo or especially. Hey, Brian. Hey, brother, how's it going? This is so passionate about this.
I was just talking to Julia, by the way. She was interviewing me on her podcast. She's the fastness. She's amazing. I just shared our story. Myard on my page somewhere underneath here. So if you want to go check that out. But she's who inspired me to do my forty five love today. And by the way, I have like a timer going in the background of ten minutes because I'm trying to work on
Getting better to the point. So anyway, self care, I believe I am a firm believer in this and I am ready to go to bat for I'm ready to fight. Let's talk about this self care as a business expense. If you are a solopreneur and all the wellness stuff like yoga and meditation and all this kind and nutrition, OK, and all of these therapies to maintain you at the highest levels of health in all ways, many solo partners I've found, many entrepreneurs I've found find that it is not a necessity.
That it is actually something that you do is kind of like entertainment or in your free time. On your own time. Right.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Strength to Change Your Mind - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 189
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 189 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
The title of this podcast episode is Strength to Change Your Mind.
So in this excerpt from my 45 live series that I'm going to share, we're going to be talking about the strength to change your mind. It takes a lot of energy to be able to make up your mind, but it also takes even more energy to change your mind. So let's dive into this topic of the strength to change your mind. Hello. Hello, my Facebook fans and everyone watching or listening in to this extensive Victoria Whitfield, your journey partner in business, you can find me at natural intuition dot com. And this is number 11 of forty five, live hashtag. Forty five, live shout out to Wando, to her, to Renie at AECO files and catch for challenging me to go live for forty five days and share whatever wisdom and insights come through. So this is, it's been interesting trying to fit in the time, being able to get in there and set aside time to go live. And I have like an endless amount of stuff to talk about. So that's like that's not the problem is actually just finding the time to keep coming on live. And today in particular, I wanted to share about finding the courage to change your mind.
Now, for me personally, I know in the work that I do in anything that I do, actually, I'm someone who really values integrity. When I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do something. In fact, if someone asks me to do something, most of the time I will start to do the thing that I've been asked to do as the person is asking me, like I'd rather at least get something started of what's been asked of me at the moment, of asking, then waiting for something else to to pop up like I or some later time to be able to do a thing. Even if I would just put something on the calendar at the moment of asking if I can't actually execute on the thing. And that for me is for one, because I'm an energy worker and I love getting energy moving. And so for me, integrity is really important. And I like energy to be flowing. I don't like being on my plate. I just have plenty already. And so if you're anything like me, you like to see things move and move faster or move as soon as possible.
Yes. Yes. And so with that. For me, I've had many experiences where I will agree to something that is above my capacity because, you know, I'm open to accepting challenges or I always want to strive for more, et cetera, or maybe I just have issues with boundaries, all of the above. Right. The correct answer is all of the above. If this was a multiple choice question. So anyway, what that ends up looking like is that I have had multiple experiences of running myself into the ground, trying to keep a promise that I made or trying to make good on something that I agreed to, even if it's not in my best interests or even more so even if it actually could harm me because I said I, I would do it. Even if it's not good for me, I will stick to what I said because my word is extremely important. My word is my bond. My word is something that I feel is my value. I've had that experience many times of running myself into the ground or really painting myself into a corner or digging my own digging my own digital and kind of a situation because I didn't really. See, the whole picture, you know, maybe things changed over the course of the situation and. This has happened many, many times over the life of my business over the last 11 years. This has happened many times and I've been burned many times by people who have been stolen from. I've been given tons of promises that people didn't make good on.
And so there's this thing that is a pattern in me that wants to make sure I'm not the one that's going to do that to somebody else, that I'm reliable. Like I want if I want to feel safe being inside Victoria by being reliable and not being an unreliable person, because I have experienced that professionally as well as personally before. And those scars, they are still smart. And so this kind of came up today and yesterday in conversations today with a private client, as well as yesterday with a colleague of mine where they're in situations with. Well, yesterday, my colleague was in the situation with one of his team members that the team member contracted to do all this stuff and just isn't showing up at the level that they sold him on. Right. And this can happen quite a bit. I've had this happen to me as well, where I'll contract with someone and I believe in them. I have my superpower and my kryptonite is that when people make me a promise, I tend to believe them. Like I take that at face value, mainly because I don't I don't make promises lightly. Like if I give guarantees or assurances, it's because I am totally confident and totally committed to ensuring that whatever I just said is going to happen.
Let's talk about it!
Thanks for stopping by! While you're here, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business?
Or do you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your self care - like meditation, movement, and nutrition - because you're so busy and distracted at work?
Searching for safe spaces to celebrate your wins and work through your sh*t as an energy sensitive entrepreneur?
If that resonates, know this: you are in the right place; in fact your intuition has lead you here to the gateway for your next breakthrough: GO HERE NOW.