Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 168 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
And today, I have the pleasure of getting to introduce you to my good friend Melanie Weller. She is an incredible medical visionary, cosmic vagus nerve goddess. Like the work that she is doing is so incredible. And I can't wait to get to share her story with you. You can find her at EmbodyYourStar.com. Melanie, welcome to the podcast.
Melanie: Thank you so much, Victoria. I am so excited to be here. That's here. This is my favorite introduction ever. Cosmic vagus nerve goddess! And that's the best introduction I've ever had.
Victoria: Yes! Oh, my God. The more that I learn about you, the world. Oh, my God. It's one brain orgasm after another.
And I had to share your work. So I know you're amazing. And, you know, I'm amazing. We know each other. Absolutely. Yeah. And so with that, though, this may be the very first time that someone is getting to hear about you, see, you write or learn about all of the awesome stuff that you do in the world. So if you could, in your own words, please tell us exactly what it is you do and especially what are the three things that you're known for. Could you tell us as well?
Melanie: So in conventional terms, I'm a physical therapist and I've done that for about twenty five years and I was an athletic trainer before that. So I've had I've about thirty years of experience of my hands on people's bodies. And I, I suppose the deep truth of it is that I help people line up on a cosmic scale. But my clinical expertise is in treating the vagus nerve as a pinched nerve. And so the vagus nerve compression is and I I've branded myself around that and being a stress management expert for many, many years. So that's usually the entry point where people find me.
I am also known for how we embody our businesses, how our businesses live in our bodies and stress and like relationships live very prescriptively in our bodies and our bodies. Our businesses are an expression of ourselves.
And so I help people align that still rooted in the vagus nerve. But bringing out a little further with that and the thing that I am increasingly known for and that I would really love to be to lead with in the long run is how are the cosmos is coded into us, because the only role we ever follow is as above so below, and that there's really a whole science to this that has been really lost in our modern age.
Victoria: This is endlessly fascinating for me too, I love it.
Melanie: It's really well, I know I could talk about it all day long, and I think that the lack of a cohesive cosmology is really fundamentally the reason for all of the ills of our time, that we have no way to connect the different dots of our lives and to have things make sense across all dimensions. And that includes the scientific dimension and the spiritual dimension, like we treat them all as mutually exclusive, as disparate pieces. And they are not. And this is you know, I feel like this is kind of the theory of everything at some level. This is just this is the what I for me, when working with individuals about this, the only words I have for it because it blows me away all the time, is that it's like speaking to your body in its original language.
Victoria: Hmm. Hey, show me how to do that, please. I need to know. Unpack that a little bit more for sure.
Melanie: Well, all right, so we'll do this backwards from how I usually do podcasts. We'll start with the cosmology and work down to the vagus nerve. So anatomy or. Well, mythology, among many things was a mode of communicating scientific information. So, for example, the numbers of the Earth's processional cycle are in the Egyptian myth of ISIS and Osiris.
Let's talk about it!
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Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 167 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode. Oh my goodness, we have a very special episode for you today because I get to share with you, my dear sister, friend, Goddess Dana, more from inspiredlightwork.com. She and I have known each other for years and years of well over a decade now, and we have both been growing and growing in spirit and business together. It is such a pleasure to get to share her with you. She is an incredible spiritual director. She focuses on spiritual leaders, leadership development in businesses, writes that you're able to bring more spirit and goddess energy into your work goddess Dana.
Welcome to the podcast dear.
Dana: Thank you for having me. Victoria, I'm so excited to chat with you, as usual, and to meet your journey partners audience. Hello, fans!
Victoria: At last, at last. Oh, this is so good. So here's the thing. We know each other very well, right? I know you're freaking awesome and you know the same about me, but this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you here about you or in the work that you do. So if you could, in your own words, please share with us what exactly it is you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Dana: That's fine. So I help passionate women business owners lean into their leadership potential to achieve the next level of business and life. Yes, it's so much fun. Who knew? Like leadership and spirituality. But what I do and how I do that is by a very unique combination of combining personal energy management practices, reiki, meditation, self pleasure, time blocking, your personal energy management practices, combined with your more traditional strategic planning and organizational management skills as well as business owners. We need both. When we are building a business and running a business, we are building ourselves and learning how to run ourselves more efficiently. So those two combining pieces help my clients to have more clarity as they are pursuing their goals, but also the confidence that they need to go for them. That's where we can get stuff right.
So I'll tell you, you had asked what are the three things that I am known for? So, one, I am known as being a mother goddess. It's not typical in your business. Right. But I bring with me to my business, my joy and my passion. And one my number one passion is being a mother, bringing these amazing children into the world, getting to watch them grow and be a part of their growth is such a blessing because I work in leadership. I mean, rearing children is all about leadership. Right. And we often know we can encounter people in the business world who sometimes need a mama. They need some mother love. Right? Or just redirection or called back in to a central place. I love it. I love mothering my children and one mother and others children. And I love being that nurturing presence for my clients as well.
So I’m a Mother Goddess, call me when you need. I am known for spiritual leadership and spiritual leadership. If you want to look that up, you've got a lot of Christian based church. Your congregational program thrived on building spiritual leaders, but I like to focus on what spiritual leadership means in your business.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Just Go For It - Interview with Julia Hickman - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 166
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 166 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I get the pleasure of interviewing and sharing with you a friend of mine, Julia Hickman, from thepetitefastinista.com and she is an amazing lifestyle and fitness coach and I'm so excited to get to share her story and her work with you.
Welcome to the podcast, Julia.
Julia: No, Victoria, I'm so excited to be here and chat with you today. Let's do it.
Victoria: So this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you here. You learn about what you do in the world. So if you could, in your own words, could you share with us what exactly it is that you do, but especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Julia: Absolutely. So I am an online lifestyle and fitness coach and I work with busy female professionals and entrepreneurs, and I help them make fitness and healthy living something that improves rather than consumes their lives. So what that really means is I help them.
I help them, like, shatter the belief that they need to be in the gym working out for hours and hours and hours, or they need to be eating lettuce and like, perfect little portioned out pieces of grilled chicken every day so that basically they don't need to give up all the things that they love and they don't need to give up all the time that they have, whether they have children or they have busy careers or businesses, they can still fit it in.
And I help them. I help them squeeze it into their busy lifestyles and the three things that I'm known for. So I would say it depends what you're asking, but if you're asking my clients, they would tell you that I am known for my quick and efficient workouts and my sweet but no nonsense attitude when it comes to just getting it done. Like there's no such things. Oh, I don't have time. McWorld Do you have ten minutes. We all can find ten minutes to do a quick workout. So that is number one. Probably if you ask my clients and if you asked my friends or my, my family members, they would probably tell you that I'm known for my discipline. I'm a runner. I run marathons. So I have that discipline of just getting up even on tough days, even on cold days, getting out there to get in my runs and sticking to a plan. Even if things don't go exactly the way I wanted them to, I still do the best that I can.
And number three, I was having some trouble thinking of a third thing. I would probably say that I'm also known for. Hmmm, I'm not for being a good friend, somebody who somebody who likes, you know, people, but I'm also I also like my time, like I also like my alone time.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
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Monday Jun 14, 2021
Working Hard vs. Being Authentic - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 165
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 165 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is Working Hard vs. Being Authentic.
So in this podcast episode, we are continuing our journey with 45 lives, all of my insights and greatest gifts from the work day. And today in particular, we're going to be talking about working hard versus being authentic. Here we go. Hello, hello, all my Facebook fans, that's Victoria Whitfield here from NaturalIntuition.com, and this is day two of my forty five live. Thanks to you, Wanda Turini, sharing insights and just dropping love and getting to know each other better.
By the way, if you are watching this on the live put hash tag live so I know to love up on you and so I can see you. And if you are watching this on the replay, put hashtag replay. So I love you up there to Facebook is a two way conversation and that's why I love this platform. It's amazing. And so it's Friday, TGIF, super happy about it. And by the way, like, I'm I love really enjoying being casual all day on Fridays. And so I'm in my warm, fuzzy hoodie. Thanks, Russell Brunson. I don't know how many of these, like, hoodies and shirts, coozies and bags and gosh, the watch and all the like.
When you're a part of the click funnels fan, they just keep sending you gifts, read the books. Oh my gosh. Thanks, Ross and Brent and Sara and Vince and Nico and everybody. Oh, my gosh. Thank you for your all your love and support for the years. It's amazing. But I want to begin with celebrations because that's something that I do throughout the day in my life and business to keep me grounded. So what am I celebrating? What am I grateful for? Well, for one, I am celebrating that it's Friday. I have half days on Fridays.
So like I work for the first half of the day and then I'm free as a bird. So celebrating that in an ideal world and the ideal world is coming pretty fast. I'm probably going to make every day, a half day. So I only work in the morning and then I can just la la la for the rest of the day is super grateful for that. What else am I celebrating. Celebrating when for a really great massage, I didn't really feel like I was in my body in New Jersey until my weekly massage today. So celebrating that and receiving weekly massage is also celebrating covid negative test after traveling in Florida. So for those of you who were wondering, having seen the video that I shared with experience down there, oh, my God, are you going to die, Victoria? The answer's no.
By the way, if you're watching live, put hashtag live. So I know to love you up. If you're watching on the replay, put hashtag replay. So I know to love you up that way. Otherwise I don't know who's journeying with me. It's good to see you again. Right. Oh my gosh. We had an amazing clubhouse so celebrating that as well. Coming fresh off of clubhouse just now. That was such a lovely roundtable discussion. I'm also celebrating an amazing, amazing, fabulous meeting with my transitional integrator.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Friday Jun 11, 2021
45 Days of Gratitude - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 164
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 164 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is 45 Days of Gratitude.
In this podcast episode, I'm going to share with you a little bit of something I've been doing recently called 45 Lives. I've been going live on Facebook sharing all of the incredible downloads and insights and I've been receiving in my day to day work day as an energy coach. Right. And healer for entrepreneurs. And so I want to share with you in the next few podcast episodes my 45 lives. And so here goes. Enjoy. Hello, hello, all my Facebook friends.
So since I'm Victoria Whitfield here from NaturalIntuition.com, and this is day one of forty five live shout out to you, Wanda Turini, for welcoming me into this as an idea. You know, for me personally, I have to admit I have a lot of resistance to this. Like I want to begin on that note because, holy moly, am I already doing a lot of content generation like I if y'all have worked with me or in my entrepreneur master manifestoes Facebook group for any amount of time or have been on my email list, etc., you know, I have no problem coming off camera, but to do it for 40 to five days straight, I literally had to take like half an hour, like thinking ha.
And I've had this open for half an hour thinking, what do I actually want to do for forty five days. Like what of in addition to the podcast, in addition to the the clubhouse rooms, in addition to the launches, the live streams, the interviews that I'm doing, in addition to the newsletters, do all of the Instagram posts on Instagram like not letting me post video for some reason, but what am I going to do and talk about for forty five days in addition to this and then wham, my spirit guides hit me with it. Forty five days of gratitude. Forty five days of gratitude, especially at the end of my workday. Or even if it's just like sixty seconds of gratitude at minimum, 60 seconds of gratitude for the next forty five days. And that is what will be my commitment, even though I'm bring in the, the resistance with me because I'm very visible, I'm used to being very visible and excited to get to. Hmm. Go past the edge of my comfort zone because one is already armed for good day. Fifteen or something if you aren't following her. By the way, Wanda Toro Turini Rocket fuel for business. Incredible, incredible work that she does. But the so she's already much farther along on this. Why am I so resistant. It's interesting. So I'm going to sink into forty five days gratitude and this will be my first one.
By the way, if you're coming along with me on the journey you can put hashtag live or hashtag replay as you are watching, just so I know, like who's watching and when. And like it helps me to ground to know who's with me. It's kind of like going for a walk in a forest and then wanting to know who are you walking with, who else is in the forest with you. So that's why all I ask is you put hashtag live or hashtag replay below, so I know whose journey with me. So by the way, this says Enjoy the journey, so I'll drink to that. This is water. So what am I celebrating, huh? Well, for one, I'm celebrating, first and foremost that this is my birth month and I'm so excited for March. I love March because it was the month that I was born in. And years ago I implemented celebrating all month rather than just celebrating on the day or the neighboring weekend. It's like, OK, I've gone through another transit around the sun. I'm so intrigued, like to not just, you know, park this into one day and said, let it be a month. So it's one thing that I'm celebrating. And it's interesting that this March this month in particular, my transit around the sun, I'm receiving more support than ever.
Let's talk about it!
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Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 163 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in today's podcast episode, I have the honor and pleasure of getting to introduce you to a good friend of mine, Brian Rassi. He is a business funding frickin angel, like he helps you find the money that you need to make big shift happen. You can find him at enstigate.com. Brian, welcome to the podcast, brother.
Brian: Oh, my goodness. Victoria, I'm ready to roll. Thank you for having me. For you and the audience. I'm excited to be here.
Victoria: It's such a pleasure to get to have you. Yeah. Thanks for being here. So let me be the very first time that someone is getting to see you or hear of you and what you do in the world. So if you could, in your own words, share with us what exactly it is that you do and especially what are the three things that you're known for? Could you tell us?
Brian: Yes, we helped conscious entrepreneurs and business owners access the line with their right end result, access more capital and ultimately create a proprietary custom business solution for them. So we literally do it all from start to finish to craft the solution that they need to get to the next level.
Victoria: This is so powerful because, you know, and I'm a visionary entrepreneur, I attract a lot of visionary entrepreneurs and we have big visions of what has got to happen. But we can have this experience of getting cash strapped or thinking that, you know, if it is to be, it's up to me. It's only dependent upon my own bank account or my own ability to generate the funding to back up that vision. And it's a real tragedy that so many people and so many businesses fail because of a lack of funding. Would you agree?
Brian: Oh, absolutely. I think people are trained either subconsciously or unconsciously to plan their dream business or their vision off their current bank account. And that's very limited. That's a very limiting way to create anything. And so what we try to do is try to victory, help them, give them the framework and get them the ideas to dream and possibilities and get out of that limitation and actually create the dream business. And a funny thing happens when you get aligned with that end result. The money just has a funny way of showing up at the right time, in the right way, with the right people to get you where you want to go. So it first starts with you got to have the vision.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 162 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So in this podcast episode, I have the honor of getting to share with you the story and work of sister goddess Michelle Dickinson. You can find her at MichelleEDickinson.com.
So I really want to make sure that you're able to connect with her. She is the author of "Breaking Into My Life." You can go find that on Amazon right now and order up her book as well as she does resilience work. She works with organizations to shift their culture, to create compassionate workplaces for individuals and for teams. Michelle, Goddess, welcome to the podcast.
Michelle: Thank you so much for having me. I must say it's a pleasure to be here with you. I love your energy and what you're up to.
Victoria: Thank you! Oh, the feeling is mutual.
So this may be the very first time someone is getting to hear about you and what you do in the world or see you and learn more. So I was wondering if you could share with us in your own words exactly what it is you do, and especially what are the three things that you're known for. Could you tell us?
Michelle: Yeah, for sure. I think if you were to ask those around me what I'm known for, they would probably say I'm an author of the book that you mentioned, which is rooted in my TED talk. I gave a TED talk about growing up with my mom who had bipolar disorder. So that's the second thing. And the third would be that I am a new entrepreneur. I'm fairly new in the space and after leaving the corporate world behind. So it's a very exciting time. So they would say she's a new entrepreneur and wants to change the world.
So, yeah, I'm sure you'll hear I feel quite pleased to change the world.
Victoria: We need all that now more than ever. And so that makes me curious, though. So take me into it. Like, what inspired you to become an entrepreneur and to really commit to this purpose, sharing your gifts in your in a business of your own? Like what? Is there a story there?
Michelle: For sure. I mean, you know, I I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful that I am so clear as to why I'm on this planet. And I can't say that I knew that even five years ago. I'm deeply connected to the work I do.
So I grew up with a mother who had bipolar disorder. I cared for her for a very large period of my my life, even up until I was an adult. So I saw what it looks like to suffer. Right. And I felt what her suffering felt like. And then so that was my first perspective about mental health. Right. I dealt with seasonal depression periodically as an adult. But then last I think it was two years ago, I was diagnosed with depression myself for the first time. And so I know what that feels like.
And then I also was in a workplace where we were trying to create compassion at work. But yet I had a boss who was not compassionate. And as soon as I felt that, I stopped and said, "I can get angry or I can say to myself, I need to be the change that I want to see in the world and I need to be the one creating more compassion and understanding."
So those those are the three lenses that I have on mental health. And when I felt that lack of compassion was the fire, at that point, the fire was lit in my belly to be the change. And so, I mean, that was really it. If you would ask me a few years ago, what are you going to do? What are you going to be when you grow up? I would have said I'm going to retire into the sunset of my corporate job, and that's it.
But there was a bigger plan for me - in just giving my TED talk, writing my memoir and getting really connected to this work. And honestly, it's the power of storytelling. When I tell my story, it opens the door. It creates an access for other people to not feel so alone and isolated. So if I could go first and tell my story, and it opens up something for someone else that brings me all the joy and fulfillment that I could ever ask for.
Victoria: You know, storytelling is one of the oldest forms of human gathering technologies, like being able to gather people and organize.
It's been around: oratory, right? And so that connection and sharing how, through sharing the experience of what you've been through, it's almost as if vicariously a person receives that same learning by encountering the story with you. It's a really powerful, powerful technique.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 161 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
And so in this podcast episode, I get to introduce you to a goddess friend of mine who I've met locally here through Believe Inspire Grow women's networking organization which we absolutely love and support. And her name is Jennifer Bronsnick.
She's a licensed clinical social worker and hostess of The Anxiety-Proof Her Podcast, which, I thank you for having me on, Goddess! You are amazing.
Jennifer: Thank YOU. Absolutely.
Victoria: And her website is JenniferBronsnick.com. Welcome to the podcast, Goddess!
Jennifer: And thank you for spelling out my name because I, so many times people just leave out that first "N" in "Bronsnick". So I really, really appreciate you making an effort to do that.
Victoria: Absolutely. And I believe in connecting good people. So I want to make sure everyone has like, all the information.
Jennifer: Yeah, totally. Yeah.
Victoria: So we know each other and we know each other's vision, values. Absolutely.
But this may be the very first time that someone is getting to see you, hear of you or encounter elsewhere in the world. So, yeah, if you could, in your own words, could you tell us what exactly is it that you do in your business, and what are the three things that you're known for?
Jennifer: Yeah, so I think the core of what I do is to empower and inspire women to love themselves so that they take care of themselves. And they begin to recognize that if they're anxious, if they're depressed because I work with mental health, that those feelings can be powerful messengers.
And so it's really this in my work, I see it as awakening women to their power, to their own resilience, to their innate healing abilities and really owning themselves and taking control over the aspects of their lives that they do have control over, because we always have something that we can shift or shake up in our lives. And sometimes it's just finding the courage.
And so I am like your BFF, therapist to coach, motivational person, caretaker, because sometimes we just we need someone to be like, "I got you," like "I'm with you here." And so that's really what I do for women, teens, families. Sometimes parents need some handholding if their child is struggling all around.
Really anxiety is my my core treatment, the main thing that I'm working with.
Victoria: We need you now more than ever.
Holy moly, holy moly, I know at the current recording of this podcast episode during this, it's the beginning of 2021. And I can only imagine the demand for your work just has gone straight through the roof.
Jennifer: Yeah, for sure. Because people it's almost like now they have permission to reach out. It's like "of course I'm struggling" like, "of course, like, we're all struggling and so now I'm ready to pick up the phone. Now I'm ready to say, 'you know what? I don't want to feel like this anymore.'" Where before maybe it was like, "oh, we'll get better. Some things will change and I'll start to find my energy again or find my spark."
And now it's like, "why am I doing this alone?" I go, "why don't I just hire someone to help me? Why don't I invest in myself?"
Victoria: And so I'm definitely seeing that, and it's so amazing. And that gets me also curious because, like, what inspired you in the first place to do this?
Like, I don't know if it happened in kindergarten when they were like, "so what do you want to be when you grow up?" And you raised your hand, right, with your kiddie shoes on and said, "I want to do social work" - like, what? No. So was it something that happened to inspire you to, like, really to this is your line of work?
Jennifer: Yeah. So it's really a dance unfolding. So I didn't mention. So one of the tools I use is called Human Design, and that's based in astrology. And ever since I was a kid, I was obsessed with the moon.
Like, I was always like, "wow, like the moon is," you know, "I'm seeing the same moon as someone else I know a couple hours away. And we're all connected with, like, the same energy." So I for a long time wanted to be astrologer.
Ok, and then my godmother, Dr. Johnson, is a clinical psychologist.
And so I grew up in her home with her family. I volunteered in her office so she would run these groups for kids. And I would volunteer there. And I just saw what she was doing. I saw how she was supporting people and she had her own business and other therapists underneath her. And I was like, that's what I want to do, like I want to be a therapist.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Recipe for Clearing Conversations - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 160
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 160 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is Recipe for Clearing Conversations.
And let's get started on this. So I had the experience of getting to support one of my clients through a really difficult issue that came up in the office. He is this, you know, incredible, incredible doctor and solo practitioner, and he comes into the office and, you know, has his own things going on, right, because doctors and practitioners are humans, too.
And immediately, his office manager shoves a phone in to his face without telling him what's going on, and is like "oh, talk to this person." And he felt personally attacked and overwhelmed, a little overloaded - he had just arrived in the office and didn't know who was on the phone or what doctor or what patient or anything like that. And so it really set him off, like, a lot of things have been going on lately, it's really difficult for doctors.
Now, so he's on the phone with me, processing his emotions. And thank the goddess, thank everything, thank the angels, thank God that he was able to come on the phone and talk to me first, before basically firing this person. He was saying "she's good, and it's so hard to find good help, you know," and "I like that she's strong willed, and, but at the same time I don't feel safe in my own office" all of this like kind of stuff.
Maybe this has happened to you? You're a leader, you're an expert, and you have a team working for you that's supposed to be protecting your energy. But for whatever reason they may have dropped the ball or maybe you're in a relationship, and for whatever reason somebody, maybe yourself, maybe the other person, you know, kind of dropped the ball or things aren't going well and it's really caused that air, the energy between the two of you to get thick. Or this happened for two or more of you, to feel kind of frustrated; you can cut the tension with a knife.
He ended up immediately sending her home. It was at the beginning of the day, so he said "I can't even sit in the same room as her, so I sent her home to consider whether or not she wants to keep working here," because he felt so unprotected. And as an expert, right, as someone who is out there serving the people in a big way with with your divine gift, yes, you need your energy to feel safe. Right? That's, that's a big part of the Divine work that the company does is making sure that the number one person in the practice or in the company, or the speaker etc. or whoever is owner is protected.
There's a very real thing, a very real thing out there called "founders fatigue" and "entrepreneurial depression" - right? For someone who is highly creative, highly intuitive, visionary, highly talented, right, and you're sharing, you're putting yourself out there, you're putting yourself out on a limb, you hire people to protect your energy, right? Or you're expecting, to some extent, right, if that's the agreement that you have that the people around you are going to, like, love, honor, protect and make sure that they're watching.
But not everyone's perfect, right? Especially - this is no coincidence - it happened on a full moon, which is when emotional energy is at its highest. We can get agitated. You know, I have a good friend of mine. I've known her since childhood. And she is a nurse. She's an RN, and she says "oh my gosh every Full Moon is when all the drunks come in and all the broken bones come" and her mom has been a nurse for 30-40 years now, and she's like "Yep, that's what I've always seen" so, right?
So the energy during full moons is always really crazy and agitating, right? People are already agitated. So here he is walking into his office on a full moon and already he and the team - all of us as human beings on planet earth - are already a little bit agitated when it's a full moon. And then on top of that. This is Mercury Retrograde.
So not only is it a full moon, like emotions are already high, but it's, depending on who's talking, it's the worst time of year. Could be the worst time of year for travel, technology, communication and commerce, right, because that's what astrologically Mercury governs, and we see all kinds of strange things happen as Mercury Retrograde rolls through. It's between three and four times a year, and gosh for almost, it's almost two months long, so about a month and a half - it's a really long time to be in this this energy of Mercury in what is called "retrograde."
And if you don't know what Mercury Retrograde is and you're like "Victoria is spouting jargon." Let me put it to you this way. It appears that the planet Mercury is going backwards in the sky, but it's actually going forwards. It's an optical illusion astronomically, and astrologically. It is an optical illusion. So that's why it's called a "retrograde."
Let's talk about it!
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Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
DIY Versus COI Mindset - Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 159
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 159 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.
So the title of this podcast episode is DIY Versus COI Mindset.
Okay, so I was inspired to speak on the podcast about this episode, because I was in a mastermind, a wonderful, high level mastermind with one of my clients, the amazing Wanda Turini over at ecofiles.com - she's an incredible, incredible entrepreneur shout outs to you Wanda!
And one of the questions that she asked us was, "what do you feel is keeping you from taking the actions necessary to reach your next level? What is the next step that you're supposed to take, but you're not, or you're you're resistant to?" And for me, I was the one who was in the hot seat.
And whenever I'm in the hot seat, I tend to offer whatever I can, from my own perspective, and sometimes my own perspective is like, kind of really out of the box. And I don't know why no one expected me to say this. But for me, my next level I know is around visibility, and multiplying visibility and multiplying myself. And the vision that I have around executing on that next level looks like my hands on the keyboard, and I'm taking my hands away.
So my hands are on the keyboard in the vision of like, looks like my laptop, right? My MacBook or whatever it is. And then I take my hands away, and there is this distinct sensation of grief, grief. And so that is what I shared with the group. And now these are all like, very high achieving, you know, incredible business owners who, like, you know, are very tactical and technical minded. And I said to the group "well, the one thing that's keeping me back is processing my grief around not doing it all."
Yeah, and so that kind of threw everyone for a loop where they were a bit surprised. LOL! But it took the conversation in a different direction. That was it, rather than being tactical it ended up being more emotional and spiritual, which I mean, if I'm gonna enter the chat, this is going to come with me. And I'm so happy that we got to have such a powerful conversation around that but I wanted to bring this conversation, let it spill over into the into the Journeypreneur Podcast here for you because this is all about identity.
And I know we've talked about this many times before, but just coming back to that conversation at the mastermind, it was just like, deep. And then also the conversations I'm having on clubhouse as well are the same. By the way, come find me on clubhouse let's do a room, shall we? Yeah!
But the these conversations that we're having around identity, and emotion and how all of that is the fuel behind our productivity habits and behavioral patterns - it's huge. It's huge, and happening in high level masterminds. And just like I was saying before, you know, the future of coaching is spiritual. I'm seeing it all over!
I'm telling you, right now, quite literally, two people that I'm networking with, who are incredibly successful entrepreneurs, right. Really powerful, influential leaders. When we really get to talking about it, it all comes down to emotion and identity. And so there's this emotion and identity within me. I'll put it on me as usual. I'll put it on me.
There's this emotion and identity within me of the DIY Victoria - the do it yourself, right? If you want it done right, you got it. Do It Yourself Victoria: that hands on the keyboard, right? I'm stirring the pot, I'm building the thing, it's hands on, I'm taking a hands-on approach, and maintaining a hands-on relationship with whatever it is, the thing that I am creating, or the project that I'm involved in.
So there's more, there's more that extends out of that kind of an identity of the DIY identity: I, in order for me to trust that something is getting done, or is getting done right, then I have to have my hands on it. Underlining the word TRUST in that sentence. Let's underline that word trust. Because the DIY identity is a trust paradigm or a distrust paradigm.
So how in the world can I ensure that everything is a okay and is all right, and then I'm safe in the world? How do I trust that I'm being provided for? That the needle is being moved forward? Well, I did it myself! Right? I saw it firsthand. Seeing is believing, right, I had my hands in it. And that made me feel safe. Because I was able to do the thing or be involved in the doing of the thing.
Let's talk about it!
Feel like you’ve got a Money Block stopping or slowing your business growth?
Need help clearing that block, so that you can get your next-level abundance breakthrough?
Take the assessment at http://www.victoriawhitfield.com/quiz to find out, and apply for a Breakthrough Call with me!